Saturday, August 22, 2020

Similarities Beetween Willy And Biff In Deathof A Salesman Essays

Likenesses Beetween Willy And Biff In Deathof A Salesman Likenesses Between Willy and Biff in Death of a Salesman by john moster Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman is the sad story of Willy Loman who's life is a ceaseless torment. He feels as though he had flopped in accomplishing anything for himself or his family. One he had always wanted was to turn into a fruitful sales rep, however rather, he bolsters his family with the credits he gets from his companion since his activity wins him nothing. He lives with his better half Linda, and his two children, Biff and Happy. Biff was another fantasy of Willy's. Biff was to be an expert football player, however he surrendered his endeavors in life subsequent to finding his dad undermining Linda. When Willy understands the consequences of his two-faced activities, he ends it all. Willy and Biff are fundamentally the same as in that the two of them had no positive good examples, both feel that achievement is a higher priority than pleasure, and both had dreams detracted from them. The main manner by which Biff and Willy is their absence of a positive good examples. Willy's dad left him when he was an infant, and never had anybody to control him through life. As a result, this left Biff with no positive good example. Willy had never gotten great compelling child rearing and never figured out how to emphatically impact Biff. The entirety of the solid counsel Biff got from Willy is broken when he learns of his dad's two-faced relationship. He says, ?You counterfeit! You fake minimal phony!? to Willy, showing that everything Willy had let him know is ignored. Biff feels frustrated by his good example and accepts that all that he found out about existence from his dad is insignificant, and he abandons life. Another manner by which Willy and Biff are comparative is their thought that achievement is a higher priority than happiness. Willy is appeared to have an extraordinary enthusiasm for planting and carpentry, however he demands being a sales rep. He accepts that regard is just given to the fruitful and he could never take up his inclinations as an occupation. Biff acquires this thought from Willy. Willy needs Biff to turn into an acclaimed proficient football player. Biff's actual want is to take a shot at a farm, which he in the long run does and gets analysis from Willy. Biff's concept of the significance of progress is the thing that drives him to do numerous things in his initial life. This is the reason he abandons life when he contemplated that that he gained from his dad was a falsehood. Book Reports

Thursday, July 16, 2020

5 Ways t? B???t Your C?nfid?n?? in a N?w J?b

5 Ways t? B???t Your C?nfid?n?? in a N?w J?b “N?bl? and great. C?ur?g??u? ?nd determined. F?ithful ?nd f??rl???. Th?t i? wh? you ?r? and wh? you h?v? always been. And understanding it ??n change ??ur lif?, b???u?? thi? knowledge carries a ??nfid?n?? th?t ??nn?t b? duplicated ?n? other w??“. Sheri L. D?w H?r?’? a ?t?r? t? h?l? build a ?i?tur?: tw? fri?nd? w?r? ???l?ing f?r j?b? ?t th? ??m? tim? an editorial ???iti?n f?r J?hn, a l?w ???iti?n for J?n?. J?hn’? ?u?lifi??ti?n? m?t?h?d the ???iti?n he w?? ???l?ing for ??rf??tl?. Fr??h out of law ??h??l, J?n? was aiming f?r her dream j?b, ?dmitt?dl? ??m?wh?t ?f a ?tr?t?h.Th?? b?th g?t interviews, but b?th didn’t get th? j?b.John w?? dropped fr?m th? candidate ???l after th? fir?t round ?f int?rvi?w? whil? J?n? w?nt on t? l?nd th? j?b th?t turn?d out t? b? ?v?n b?tt?r th?n ?x???t?d.W?ll, she deserved it ?nd J?hn was h???? f?r h?r, but ??uldn’t figur? ?ut wh? it h?dn’t worked ?ut the ??m? w?? f?r him too.Sur?, they w?r? in diff?r?nt fi?ld? and any numb?r ?f v?ri?bl?? ??ul d’v? ??ntribut?d to hi? n?t g?tting the j?b. But he di??u???d th? ?itu?ti?n with ?n?th?r fri?nd who ??w thing? ??m?l?t?l? diff?r?ntl?:Th?t fri?nd m?d? a magic sentence: “J?n? h?? incredible ??nfid?n??, and sometimes that i? a person’s greatest asset.”J?hn l??k?d ??nfid?n??, ?v?n wh?n h? w?? ??rf??t f?r the j?b, h? ??uldn’t show it. Jane on th? ?th?r h?nd, h?d confidence, ?v?n wh?n g?tting the j?b w?? a ?tr?t?h, she ??w?r?d thr?ugh. Dr??? f?r successIts ???? to und?r??tim?t? the ?ff??t ?f ?l?thing; ??u ?h?w?r and get dr????d ?v?r? d??, but ??u may n?t r??liz? th?t ??ur w?rdr?b? ??uld b? influencing your ??nfid?n?? ?nd mind-??t.On? study found th?t wearing formal attire changes peoples thought processes. Putting ?n f?rm?l clothes m?k?? us feel powerful, ?nd that ?h?ng? the basic w?? we ??? th? w?rld, Abraham Rutchick, ?n? ?f the authors ?f th? study ?nd a ?r?f????r of ????h?l?g? ?t California State Univ?r?it?, Northridge, t?ld Th? Atlantic.The findings ?ugg??t that wearing a ?uit m?? ?ff??t ??gnitiv? processes that ?n??ur?g? abstract ?r?????ing m?r? r??dil? th?n concrete ?r?????ing, th? authors ??id.In ?h?rt, dr??? to im?r???: R?v?m? ?nd rework outfits you ?lr??d? h?v?, purchase th? better-quality dress or suit, and make ?ur? ??u f??l lik? the best v?r?i?n of yourself in ??ur n?w threads.L??rn fr?m ??n?tru?tiv? ?riti?i?mCriti?i?m ??n b? tough if ??u f??u? on the n?g?tiv?? ?nd g?t caught u? in ??ur mi??t??? rather th?n focusing ?n your ????m?li?hm?nt? ?v?r your ?ntir? career.In ?dditi?n, ????l? wh? become m??t d?f?n?iv? ?r? more lik?l? to have l?w?r ??lf-??t??m, C???? Mulqueen, dir??t?r of research ?nd ?r?du?t d?v?l??m?nt at TRACOM Group w?rk?l??? performance ??n?ult?nt?, told USA Today.However, th? reverse ??n also b? true, ?? correlation d???nt ??u?t? t? causation, Mulqueen ?dd?d. Does th? ?riti?i?m ??u?? l?w self-esteem, or ?r? ????l? with l?w ??lf-??t??m m?r? likely to b? ?riti?iz?d? B?th can be tru?, she said.S?, what ??n ??u d? to remain positive? Filt?r criticism ?nd r?mind ??ur??lf th?t it ??n help ??u im?r?v? your skills, w?rk ?nd r?l?ti?n?hi?? ?v?r time, Nicole Lindsay, ??r??r d?v?l??m?nt ?x??rt, wrote in ?n article on Th? Muse. Thank th? ??r??n f?r their f??db??k ?nd ???k solutions t? ?ddr??? it, Lind??? ?dd?d.WHAT IS CONFIDENCE?Dumitr???u and hi? ??ll??gu?? wrote in one ?f th?ir papers th?t “??lf-??nfid?n?? has to d? with b?li?f? ?b?ut one’s g?n?r?l ability t? h?ndl? ?itu?ti?n? and ?r?bl?m? in the w?rld.”S? self-confidence d???rib?? the ?xt?nt t? which a ??r??n b?li?v?? th?? ??n handle the world. If we m?k? thi? m?r? t?ngibl?, it m??n? a self-confident ??r??n has the internal belief ?f “I ??n h?ndl? it.”On th? ?th?r h?nd, a r??ll? un??nfid?nt ??r??n might think, “Oh m? g?d I d?n’t kn?w what t? d? when thi? ?ut? b?? ?t?rt? t?lking to m?/th? teacher calls m? ?ut/m? b??? ??k? m? to present in fr?nt ?f th? group.”C?m?t? and P??tl?w?it? went furth?r with th?ir definition. They say ??lf-??nfid?n?? ?l?? in?lud? ? a “l??k ?f anxiety,” which I think ?dd? a very im??rt?nt dim?n?i?n.If we ?ut th? tw? together, then a ??lf-??nfid?nt ??r??n is ??m?b?d? wh? g??? thr?ugh th? w?rld with the g?n?r?l belief ?f “Whatever ??m??, I ??n handle it.”Obvi?u?l?, if ??u b?li?v? thi? ?b?ut ??ur??lf, then th?r? is n? n??d t? b? ?fr?id.The Two Subt???? ?f S?lf-C?nfid?n??U?u?ll? we are m?r? confident in some ?itu?ti?n? and less confident in ?th?r situations.R????r?h?r? th?r?f?r? di?tingui?h b?tw??n g?n?r?l self-confidence ?nd ????ifi? ??lf-??nfid?n??, a distinction th?t most ?f u? d? n?t m?k? ?n a daily basis.H?w?v?r, thi? di?tin?ti?n i? very im??rt?nt ?? it has ??rt?in ??n???u?n??? t? ?ur ???r???h ?f in?r???ing ??nfid?n??.Fir?t, let’s take a l??k ?t the different subtypes.General S?lf-C?nfid?n??General ??lf-??nfid?n?? is th? type ?f ??nfid?n?? we ?lr??d? talked ?b?ut that is th? g?n?r?l belief of “I ??n handle it.”Th? gr??t majority ?f ????h?l?gi?t? b?li?v? th?t g?n?r?l ??lf-??nfid?n?? i? simply ?n ?ggr?g?ti?n ?f your own evaluation ?b?ut your ???t performance in m?n? specific ?itu?ti?n?.Makes ??n??, right?If things in ??ur past w?rk?d ?ut ?v?r ?nd ?v?r ?g?in, ??u ??n be pretty confident th?t they will work out in th? futur? ?? w?ll.Thu?, ??u ?r? ??nfid?nt in your ?bilit? t? h?ndl? ?ll kind ?f ?r?bl?m?.Specific Self-ConfidenceOn th? ?th?r h?nd we h?v? specific ??lf-??nfid?n??, whi?h ??n b? th? building bl??k? for general ??nfid?n??.Continuing fr?m hi? definition ?n general ??nfid?n??, Dumitr???u furth?r writ?? about ????ifi? ??lf-??nfid?n??: “self-confidence can ?l?? r?f?r t? ?n?’? ability to h?ndl? a specific task.”L?t’? l??k ?t an example t? m?k? it clear.A ?r?f???i?n?l b??k?t ball ?l???r might b? ?h? ?nd timid ?ut, but as ???n ?? h? ?t????d ?n th? court h? would make Russel Westbrook look ?h?.Lik?wi??, the ?????it? i? ?l?? tru?. Ju?t think ?f how m?n? g?n?r?ll? ??nfid?nt people ??u kn?w ?t?rt ?h?king ?nd ?w??ting wh?n they need to get ?n ?t?g? and do a bit ?f publi c ????king.Emrah Oney and Giz?m Ok?uz?glu â€" Guv?n ?ubli?h?d a paper where they ?rgu?d th?t g?n?r?l ??lf-??nfid?n?? w?? once a t??? ?f ????ifi? ??nfid?n??. Th?? write th?t it was ?rim?ril? used f?r dealing with ?v?luti?n?r? novel ?nd non-recurrent ?r?bl?m?.A? ?n ?x?m?l?, thi? t??? ?f ??nfid?n?? would ??rv? ??u in a n?tur?l disaster, ?r wh?n ?rriving in a f?r?ign ?it? f?r th? fir?t tim?.Conversely, ????ifi? self-confidence w?? m?r? ???li??bl? f?r everyday or r???titiv? tasks.The ????r th?n claims th?t thi? distinction ?till exists today and th?t g?n?r?l ??lf-??nfid?n?? ?r?di?t? your l?v?l ?f ??nfid?n?? in ??m?l?t?l? n?w ?itu?ti?n?.Thi? ?ugg??t? that ????ifi? ??nfid?n??? ?r? n?t th? direct building bl??k? for general confidence, but r?th?r ?n individu?l construct.Th?r?f?r?, ??u ??n h?v? high ????ifi? ??nfid?n?? in a l?t ?f ?r??? and ??ur g?n?r?l ??lf-??nfid?n?? might ?till b? low.S?lf-??nfid?n?? lit?r?ll? means ??u b?li?v? in ??ur??lf. Wh?n ??u ?t?rt a n?w j?b, you’d u?u?ll? f??l a littl? ?v?rwh?lm?d.Sometimes, ??u w?nd?r if ??u ??uld d?liv?r wh?t i? ?x???t?d ?f ??u. Y?u b?gin t? ask yourself m?n? ?u??ti?n?, in?luding doubting ?u??ti?n.That’s all right, ??u are n?t th? first.In thi? ????r, we would t?lk ?b?ut a ??u?l? of ways t? b???t self ??nfid?n?? in a n?w j?b.Th??? ?t??? ?r? ??tu?ll? ?uit? easy, ?? you h?v? n?thing to w?rr? about.5 WAYS TO BOOST Y?UR C?NFID?N?? IN A NEW J?B1. Affirm ??ur strengths and ?u???????If ??ur? lik? m??t ????l?, ??u ???nd way m?r? tim? noticing your ?h?rt??ming? ?nd th? tim?? ??u mess u? th?n ??u d? affirming ??ur strengths ?nd ?u???????. B? fli??ing thi? script, ??u ??n ?t?rt t? rewrite th? messaging in your brain fr?m a f??u? on ?riti?i?m to an ?m?h??i? ?n ???itiv? validation.When ??u are ??nfid?nt in ??ur ??ti?n?, ??u will d? better ?t th? things ??u d?. When you ??hi?v? m?r? ????m?li?hm?nt? from these ??ti?n? and affirm it ?? a ?tr?ngth, ??ur ??lf-??t??m ?nd ??ur?g? ri??? even more ?nd ??u begin t? f??l that you are g??d ?t thing? whi?h leads t? furth?r happiness.Thi? i? a ???itiv? cycle that can build ?n it??lf, ?r??ting a ?riti??l mass ?f ???itivit? ?? you ??u?l? m?r? ?u??????? with greater ??nfid?n??.Thi? i? the power of confidence ?nd ?u?????. Confidence, ?l?ng with ??lf-??t??m i? ?n? of the key hallmarks ?f success ?v?n in your new j?b. And it builds ?n it??lf in a ??lf-r?g?n?r?tiv? m?th?d. All ??u n??d to d? i? ?l??r ?ut the stumbling bl??k? wh?r? ??u r?fu?? to ?????t ??ur successes ?nd focus ?n ??ur f?ilur??.Thi? is wh?r? affirmations ??m? int? play. B? repeating ???itiv? m?ntr? like statement ?v?r? d?? you b?gin to b?li?v? in the truth b?hind the ?ffirm?ti?n? to boost ??nfid?n??, and wh?n you really ?t?rt t? b?li?v? ??u begin t? m?k? these ?t?t?m?nt? tru?.T? d? thi?, take the tim? t? writ? d?wn ?ll ?f the skills you currently ???????. Include b?th h?rd ?kill? (I ??n ??d? apps from scratch) and ??ft ?kill? (I effectively r???lv? ??nfli?t? with my t??m members ?nd maintain ???itiv? r?l?ti?n?hi?? with m? clients).Wh?n?v?r ??u cultivate a new skill, ?dd it t? th? li?t. Wh?n projects go w?ll at w?rk or you ????m?li?h t??k? ?m?ll ?nd large, m?k? a ??int of ??kn?wl?dging ??ur successes. Wh?n you r???iv? ???itiv? f??db??k fr?m ?li?nt? or ??-w?rk?r?, writ? it down. R?vi?w th??? lists r?gul?rl?.By t?king th? tim? t? affirm ??ur ?tr?ngth?, ??ull build a r????it?r? of d?t? with which t? counteract th? n?g?tiv? voices in ??ur h??d. And youll give ??ur??lf a sustained ??n?? ?f ??nfid?n?? in th? ?r?????.How t? affirm your strengths ?nd successesBut a list ?f ???itiv? ?ffirm?ti?n? will n?t raise your ??nfid?n?? at w?rk alone. Y?u n??d t? ?l??r ?ut th? negative ?ttitud?? from ??ur lif?.So b?f?r? w? g?t t?? far int? th??? confidence ?nd ??lf-??t??m affirmations, l?t’? t?k? a l??k at ??m? ?f the confidence habits ??u ??n build to fight a b?ttl? with lack of confidence.D?nt ??m??r? ??ur??lf t? ?th?r?: Thi? m?? b? ?n? the m??t im??rt?nt, concepts f?r th??? ?ffirm?ti?n? f?r self-esteem. You ?r? n?t ??m??n? ?l??. Y?u have a unique ?kill ??t ?nd uni?u? mind. Never ??m??r? ??ur??lf with ?th?r?. Y?u ?nl? need to be better th?n wh? ??u were.D?il? Ex?r?i??: Exercise i? not ju?t ?b?ut k???ing you h??lth? ?nd m?king ??ur??lf l??k ?nd f??l fitt?r. It is ?b?ut g?ining th? ??nfid?n?? that ??m?? fr?m those thing?. You d? n?t n??d t? be a hulk or a g?m rat to gain ??m? confidence fr?m kn?wing ??u are fit.D?n’t ?triv? f?r perfection: P?rf??ti?n should never b? the g??l. A? th? quote ????, Perfection i? the ?n?m? of g??d. Striving f?r perfection ??u can never reach ?nl? di?illu?i?n? ?nd d??r????? ??u. Never g? for ??rf??ti?n g? for g??d enough ?r better than ?v?r?g?.P??itiv? self-talk: Wh?t ??u ??? m?tt?r?. Y?u ??n be ??ur bigg??t critic or ??ur ?wn b??t supporter. S?lf-??t??m affirmations ??n ??m? in h?r?, big time. Help YOU convince ??ur??lf ?r ??ur ?wn ??lf-w?rth.F??u? ?n th? things you ??n change: This bl?g i? all ?b?ut ?h?ng?. And ?? ?r? th??? affirmations for ??lf-??t??m.Ch?n g? ??m? b?d h?bit?: W? ??n?t?ntl? t?lk ?b?ut ?ll ??rt? ?f h?bit ?h?ng? ?nd how t? change bad habits. Th?r? ?r? ?n?ugh thing? you ??n ?h?ng? th?t ??u ?h?uld n?v?r w?rr? about the things ??u ??nt. F??u? ?n th??? ?im?l? ?h?ng?? th?t h?v? a big impact in ??ur life. Like ?t?rting an exercise r?utin?.D? th? thing? ??u ?nj??: Lif? i? f?r living. Wh?n ??u g? ?ut ?nd enjoy lif? ??u h?v? fun. Fun ?nd h???in??? are a n?tur?l ?t?t? th?t build? h???in???, ?nd h???in??? ?nd ??nt?ntm?nt in turn w?rk to build confidence ?nd self-esteem. Confidence ?ffirm?ti?n? ??n help you bolster a fl?gging confidence, ?r build u? a fr??h new confidence.D?n’t b??t yourself u? ?v?r a mi?t?k?: Ev?r??n? m?k?? mistakes. Y?u ?r? not uni?u?. If you make a mistake just ?dmit it. Fix it, ?nd m?v? ?n.Celebrate th? small ?tuff: St?rt ?m?ll and w?rk ??ur w?? up, g?ining confidence th? wh?l? way. The b??t ?r?gr??? is done through ?m?ll ?t???- not through m???iv? l???? ?nd b?und?.Surround ??ur??lf with ?u???rtiv? ????l?: Thi ? i? a key f?r self-esteem. M?tiv?ti?n?l ????k?r Jim R?hn f?m?u?l? ??id, You ?r? th? ?v?r?g? ?f th? fiv? people you ???nd th? m??t tim? with. So ??u w?nt to ???nd tim? with ????l? wh? ?r? confident, supportive ?nd kind, ?? that ??u will find ??ur??lf r?fl??ting th??? tr?it?.5 Affirm?ti?n? for confidenceI did thi?, I ?r?du??d this ?nd I ?m r??ll? ?r?ud ?f m? ??hi?v?m?nt ?? f?r. I’v? d?n? it before, I can d? it ?g?in. C?n’t r??ll? b? th?t h?rd.I have a g??d lif?. I ??tu?ll? graduated t?? in my ?l???. I ??n’t b? scared ?f f?ilur?.I ?m ??m??t?nt, ?m?rt and able. I won ?n ?w?rd l??t ???r f?r my w?rk ?t m? old j?b. These guys ?r? lucky t? h?v? m?I ?m gr?wing ?nd changing for th? b?tt?r. I d? h?v? mu?h experience ?nd mu?h t? ?ff?r. Th??’d b? l??t without m?.I l?v? th? ??r??n I ?m becoming. Th?r?’? no reason to lack ??nfid?n??.2. C?mmit t? a healthy lif??t?l?At first glance, this ti? might seem unr?l?t?d t? th? ?ffi??.But its actually a surprisingly important ??m??n?nt ?f gr?wing m?r? confident at w?rk.Thats because h??lth? lif??t?l? h?bit? such as ??ting well, g?tting high-?u?lit? ?l???, ?nd ?x?r?i?ing ?n a r?gul?r b??i? m?k? ??u f??l g??d?nd wh?n you f??l g??d, youre m?r? lik?l? to feel ??nfid?nt.In fact, ?n? ?tud? f?und that high levels of physical ??tivit? w?r? associated with feelings of gr??t?r ??lf-??nfid?n??, ??rti?ul?rl? ?? it r?l?t?? to t??kling a daily to-do li?t.S?tting and ??hi?ving ?thl?ti? goals ?l?? ?ffirm? ??ur ?bilit? t? l??rn n?w ?kill? ?nd ??hi?v? th? b?n?hm?rk? you ??t f?r ??ur??lf, furth?r giving your confidence a b???t.Meanwhile, ?dditi?n?l r????r?h has f?und that ??ting well ??n b???t ??ur work ??rf?rm?n?? ?nd g?tting ?l?nt? of ?l??? i? link?d t? gr??t?r ??lf-??t??m.Wh?n ?ll else f?il?? F?k? it til ??u m?k? it.If ??ur? l??king in the ??lf-??nfid?n?? d???rtm?nt, ??k yourself h?w a ??nfid?nt person might ??t in wh?t?v?r ?itu?ti?n youre in.Th?n d? th?t, even if it? un??mf?rt?bl?.The m?r? you ?r??ti?? this, th? more ??ull embody ??nfid?n? ?until ?n? day ??u find th?t ??ur? n? longer f?king it.How a h??lth? life ?t?l? build? ??ur ??nfid?n??Feeling l?w on confidence ?t your n?w j?b? It may not be ju?t your m?nt?l h??lth ?l??ing up on ??u. It could b? ??ur ?v?r?ll lifestyle.By f??u?ing m?r? on ??ur ?v?r?ll fitn??? ?nd h??lth you can give ??ur??lf an instant (?nd ???, in?t?nt) confidence b???t.Just w?lking ?ut ?f the gym after a h?rd workout f??l? ?m?zing. You know th?t ??u’v? d?n? yourself a world of g??d ?nd you will w?nt t? ?h?ut t? the w?rld about it.Th?r?’ll b? h?t?r?, but th??’r? ju?t jealous th?t they d?n’t f??l as gr??t as you d? ?ft?r th?t w?rk?ut.H?r? are a few example ?f h?w thi? works:B?d? Im?g? ?nd Confidence: Exercising won’t n??????ril? result in th? perfect b?d?, but it does tend to give ??u a ??n?? th?t you are b?ing ?r???tiv? ?b?ut ??ur h??lth; ??u’r? d?ing th? right thing ?nd working t?w?rd getting fit. R???gnizing thi? ?v?n if ??u ??n’t get rid of th?t muffin t?? ??n h?l? you feel more ??nfid?nt in ??ur??lf ?nd ?t your new j?b.Y?ur F??d Aff??t? Y?ur M??d: Th? f??d ??u ??t ??n ?ff??t ??ur m??d, sources ???, whi?h in turn affects ??ur ??nfid?n??. L?w bl??d ?ug?r ??n ??u?? ??u t? f??l grouchy ?nd ???il? ?nn???d, ?nd a di?t high in ?ug?r may contribute t? d??r???i?n (th? ultim?t? in low confidence!). L??n ?r?t?in combined with ??m?l?x ??rb?h?dr?t?? is a winning combination.Endorphins ?nd Confidence: Exercise ?timul?t?? your body to ?r?du?? ?nd?r?hin?, which ?r? brain ?h?mi??l? th?t help ??u f??l good. Th??? substances play a role in r?li?ving depression ?nd improving m??d. When you feel g??d ?b?ut ??ur??lf, ??ur ??nfid?n?? l?v?l ?l?? im?r?v??.Your En?rg? Level ?nd C?nfid?n??: If ??u’r? ?truggling with confidence ?t ??ur new job, feeling ?luggi?h d???n’t help. Ex?r?i?? ?nd a healthy diet are k?? ?l?m?nt? t? f??ling energetic ?nd, ultim?t?l?, ??nfid?nt.Vit?min? ?nd Min?r?l?: W?’v? ?lr??d? ??t?bli?h?d that ??ur confidence is ?ff??t?d by h?w you look ?nd f??l. G?tt ing th? right vitamins and min?r?l? i? important for things lik? t??th, ?kin, and h?ir. Wh?n th??? ?????t? ?f ??ur ?????r?n?? ?r? h??lth? and at th?ir ??timum, it helps you feel better ?b?ut yourself. Specifically, ??m? vitamins and minerals ?r? dir??tl? implicated in im?r?ving mood ?nd, ??n???u?ntl?, ??nfid?n??. These in?lud? B-??m?l?x vitamins ?nd Vitamin D. In fact, fat-soluble Vitamin D i? ??m?tim?? used b? m?di??l ?r?f???i?n?l? t? tr??t S????n?l Affective Disorder (SAD). When ??u ?r? g?tting the right amount of k?? vit?min? ?nd min?r?l?, you ?r? mu?h m?r? lik?l? t? f??l ??nfid?nt in yourself.Wh?n your ?n?rg? ?nd ??nfid?n?? levels ?r? u? du? t? ?x?r?i?? ?nd diet, ??u ?r? mu?h more likely t? b? m?r? productive in w?rk, school, ?nd relationships.This becomes a positive ???l? since in?r????d ?r?du?tivit? b???t? your ??nfid?n?? ?v?n m?r?.If you b?gin to exercise ?nd eat healthfully, you m?? find ??ur??lf not ?nl? l??king b?tt?r; ??u may also ?x??ri?n?? weight l???, b?tt?r muscle ton e, ?nd h??lthi?r ?kin.L??king in th? mirr?r ?nd liking wh?t ??u ??? ??n go a l?ng w?? t?w?rd boosting your ??nfid?n??!Listen t? th? right mu?i?Y?u already know th?t mu?i? ??n affect ??ur m??d, but did you kn?w that ??rt?in kind? ?f music ??n influence ??ur ??lf-??t??m?A ?tud? from th? K?ll?gg S?h??l ?f M?n?g?m?nt ?t Northwestern Univ?r?it? found that diff?r?nt types of ??ng? ??n affect your confidence.In th? study, r????r?h?r? played diff?r?nt ??ng? f?r people and th?n h?d th?m r?nk to wh?t d?gr?? ???h ??ng made th?m f??l ??w?rful, dominant ?nd determined.Then, th?? ??lit th??? ??ng? int? tw? playlists: ?n? high-??w?r (the thr?? highest-ranked ??ng?) ?nd one l?w-??w?r (thr?? ??ng? th?t were similar in ?t?l?, but r?nk?d l?w?r).Th? r????r?h?r? ?l???d ?n? playlist f?r ?n? group ?f people ?nd the ?th?r for ?n?th?r group, whil? ??rti?i??nt? completed diff?r?nt t??k?.Th??? li?t?ning t? th? high-??w?r playlist ??m?l?t?d th? t??k? m?r? successfully, ?nd w?r? m?r? likely t? v?lunt??r to g? f ir?t in a d?b?t?, ??m??r?d with th??? li?t?ning t? the l?w-??w?r ?l??li?t.Th? songs f?und t? be th? m??t ?m??w?ring were We Will R??k Y?u, by Queen, G?t R??d? f?r Thi? b? 2 Unlimit?d, ?nd In D? Club b? 50 C?nt. Th? r????r?h?r? attributed thi? t? th? ??ng? heavier bass levels. The n?xt tim? ??ur? g?tting r??d? for a job int?rvi?w or a big ?r???nt?ti?n, ju?t ?u?u? up Spotify.3. B???m? ?n expert ?t something  â€œOne im??rt?nt k?? t? success is ??lf-??nfid?n??. An im??rt?nt key t? self-confidence is preparation “. Arthur A?h? Find ??m?thing th?t ??ur team r??ll? i?n’t gr??t ?t and learn ?v?r?thing th?r? is t? kn?w ?b?ut it. Hit the libr?r? ?nd ?tud? u? ?n h?w this thing is d?n? n?w and also l??rn th? th??r? b?hind it.Don’t just learn about ????ifi? t??l?, l??rn wh? those t??l? ?r? ?? im??rt?nt ?nd wh?t methods ????l? utilized in th? ???t. This will help you ?r?di?t tr?nd? ?nd be m?r? innovative.If ??ur t??m is ?truggling with social media m?rk?ting, for ?x?m?l?, l??rn ?b?ut socia l m?di? and ?b?ut th? ?rin?i?l?? of m?rk?ting ?nd h?w m?rk?ting h?? b??n done in the past.G?t th? d?????t ????ibl? und?r?t?nding ?f thi? t??i?. Y?u w?nt t? be the ??r??n th?? ?ll ??m? t? f?r information ?n indi???n??bl? guru. That w?uld ?ut?m?ti??ll? ?h??t your confidence up.St??? t? b???ming ?nd ?x??rtB?ing an ?x??rt ?t something r??ll? ???? off. Ju?t how g??d ?r? t?? ??rf?rm?r? ??m??r?d t? ?v?r?b?d? ?l???R????r?h ?h?w? in high ??m?l?xit? jobs lik? ?r?f???i?n?l ?nd ??l?? roles, the top 10% ?r?du?? 80% m?r? than ?v?r?g? and 700% more th?n th? bottom 10%.But ?? I’m ?ur? ??u’r? ?w?r?, becoming th? best i?n’t easy. A? B?bb? Knight ?n?? ??id, “Ev?r?b?d? has th? will t? win; few people h?v? th? will to ?r???r? to win.”And ?n? ?f th? r????n? wh? it’? h?rd to b???m? gr??t is b???u?? a l?t of wh?t ??u’v? been told ?b?ut how t? learn, ?tud? ?r tr?in i? wr?ng, wr?ng, and d??d wrong.H?r?’? h?w t? g?t b?tt?r ?t g?tting b?tt?r.Find A M?nt?rLuk? h?d Y?d?. The K?r?t? Kid had Mr. M i??gi. I’m ?ur? Kung Fu P?nd? had ??m?b?d? but I n?v?r ??w th?t movie.Y?u g?t the picture.Anders Ericsson, th? professor wh? did th? r????r?h b?hind th? “10,000 h?ur rul?” h? ??id mentors w?r? vit?l. But ??u kn?w th?t ?lr??d?.So wh?t d??? th? r????r?h show ?b?ut m?nt?r? th?t m??t people g?t wr?ng? Merely finding someone to help you th?t i? ?lr??d? ?n ?x??rt d???n’t cut it. Sh?n? Sn?w, ?uth?r ?f Smartcuts, ??id your mentor needs t? care about you. Here’s Shane:In great m?nt?r?hi? r?l?ti?n?hi?? th? m?nt?r d???n’t ju?t ??r? ?b?ut th? thing th?t you’re learning, th?? ??r? ?b?ut h?w ??ur life g???. They are with you f?r the l?ng haul. Th?? ?r? willing t? ???, “No,” and to t?ll ??u wh?t you’re doing is wrong. Those kind? ?f relationships ?i?ld ?ut?iz?d r??ult? in t?rm? ?f future ??l?ri?? ?nd happiness.So you find a Y?d? who i? totally inv??t?d in your success. Awesome. N?w ??u h?v? t? be the dutiful, ?b?di?nt ?tud?nt, right? Wr?ng. Y?u need t? be r?????tful, ?ur?, but ??u ?l?? n??d t? b? ju?t a littl? bit of a ??in in th? ass.David Epstein, b??t??lling author of The Sports G?n?, ??id th?t th??? wh? did th? b??t in ??h??l and th??? wh? w?nt ?n t? th? pros in sports both ?u??ti?n?d th?ir teachers. They weren’t ?fr?id t? ?u?h b??k a littl?. Here’s D?vid:The kids that outdid their ???r? in th? ?l???r??m ?nd th? kid? th?t w?nt ?n to b???m? pros in a variety of ???rt? had b?h?vi?r?l traits in ??mm?n. The kids wh? w?nt to th? t?? in ?????r, f?r ?x?m?l?, th?? di??l???d wh?t the scientists ??ll?d “??lf-r?gul?t?r? b?h?vi?r.” It’? a 12-???r-?ld who’s g?ing u? t? their tr?in?r ?nd ???ing, “I think thi? drill is a littl? t?? ????. Wh?t i? thi? w?rking ?n ?g?in? Wh? are w? doing this? I think I’m h?ving a ?r?bl?m with thi? ?th?r thing. Can I work ?n th?t instead?”St?rt with wh?t’? Im??rt?ntD?vid E??t?in ?ut it ?im?l?: “Th? hallmark of expertise i? figuring ?ut what information i? im??rt?nt.”Th?r? ?r? m?n? ??m??n?nt? t? ?n? ?kill but ?r? ?ti?ing th?m all doesn’t ?r?du?? th? same results. Tim F?rri??, bestselling ?uth?r ?f The 4-Hour W?rkw??k   said:D? ?n 80-20 ?n?l??i? and ask yourself, “Which 20% ?f th??? thing? I n??d t? l??rn will get m? 80% of th? r??ult? that I w?nt?”Wh?n Tim w?? l??rning ?h??? fr?m champion J??h W?itzkin (wh??? lif? w?? the b??i? f?r th? film “S??r?hing f?r Bobby Fischer“) they did thing? th? opposite from how most ?h??? instruction w?rk?.They didn’t start with th? b?ginning ?f a chess game. Th?? jum??d ?tr?ight t? k?? moves that ?r? ???li??bl? to th? majority ?f interactions on the board.Thi? allowed Tim to h?ng with t?? ?l???r? ?ft?r only a f?w d??? ?f ?r??ti??. H?r?’? Tim:Josh w?uld basically d? thing? in r?v?r??. H? t??k ?ll the ?i???? off th? b??rd and ?t?rt?d tr?ining m? with King ?nd Pawn v?r?u? King. B? d?ing th?t h? w?? t???hing m? not rote memorization ?f ???ning?, but really ??w?rful ?rin?i?l?? that ??n ???l? to the ?ntir? game in m?n? diff?r?nt ?ir?um?t?n???. Just b? giving m? a v?r? ?h?rt tutorial on a f?w principles with thr?? pieces ?n th? b??rd, I w?nt to W??hingt?n S?u?r? P?rk, ?nd I was ?bl? to ?urviv? thr?? or f?ur tim?? l?ng?r th?n I ?h?uld h?v? ?g?in?t a really ??vv? speed ?h??? ?tr??t hu?tl?r.S? you’re ?r??ti?ing wh?t’? im??rt?nt. Th?t’? great but h?w ?h?uld you practice?“Tr?in Like Y?ur Lif? D???nd? ?n it”S???i?l F?r??? Li?ut?n?nt C?l?n?l Mik? K?nn? ??id, “Tr?in like ??u fight.” You want ??ur ?r??ti?? t? be ?? similar to th? r??l thing ?? ????ibl?.And r????r?h b??k? Mike up.N?t only will ??u b? better ?r???r?d, but ??u l??rn mu?h better when the ??nt?xt you ?r??ti?? in m?t?h?? th? ??nt?xt ??u will ?v?ntu?ll? ??rf?rm in.H?w strong is thi? ?ff??t?Insanely ?tr?ng.Some argue, if ??u are drunk ?r ?t?n?d whil? ?tud?ing, you will ??tu?ll? ??rf?rm better if ??u are drunk ?r stoned during the t??t. Stud?ing whil? seriously impaired i? w??t?d tim?, in more ways th?n ?n?, as milli?n? ?f ?tud?nt? have learned th? hard w??. Y?t, gen erally speaking, w? perform better on t??t? when in the ??m? ?t?t? ?f mind ?? when we ?tudi?d- ?nd, ???, th?t in?lud?? mild ?t?t?? ?f intoxication fr?m ?l??h?l ?r ??t, as w?ll ?? arousal fr?m ?timul?nt?…What if the two of us go diving and I t???h ??u ??m?thing underwater? Yu?, ??u’ll remember th? inf?rm?ti?n 30% b?tt?r if ??u ?r? ?ub???u?ntl? tested und?rw?t?r th?n ?n land.Th? div?r? wh? t??k th? t??t underwater did b?tt?r th?n those wh? t??k it ?n l?nd, r?m?mb?ring ?b?ut 30 ??r??nt more w?rd?. That’s a lot, ?nd th? tw? psychologists concluded th?t, “r???ll i? b?tt?r if the ?nvir?nm?nt ?f th? ?rigin?l l??rning is r?in?t?t?d.”Giving th?t im??rt?nt presentation in fr?nt of a group in a ??nf?r?n?? r??m? Th?n practice it in front of a gr?u? in a ??nf?r?n?? room.U?? “D??ir?bl? Difficulty”Reviewing material i? one ?f th? m??t ???ul?r forms of learning. Guess wh?t? It’? ?l?? one of the l???t ?ff??tiv?. R????r?h?r? call this “th? flu?n?? illu?i?n.”Ju?t because it’? ??? ? t? r?m?mb?r right n?w d???n’t m??n it will ?t?? th?t w??. “Desirable diffi?ult?” means th?t the h?rd?r you w?rk tr?ing t? retrieve ??m?thing fr?m memory, th? better you learn.Don’t merely r?r??d ?tuff. Practice lik? a medical ?tud?nt ?nd ?uiz ??ur??lf with fl??h??rd?.L??rning is d????r and m?r? dur?bl? when it’? ?ff?rtful. L??rning that’s easy i? lik? writing in ??nd, here today ?nd gone tomorrow. W? ?r? ???r judg?? ?f wh?n we ?r? learning well ?nd wh?n w?’r? n?t. Wh?n the going i? h?rd?r and ?l?w?r and it d???n’t feel ?r?du?tiv?, w? are dr?wn t? ?tr?t?gi?? th?t f??l more fruitful, un?w?r? th?t th? g?in? from th??? strategies ?r? often t?m??r?r?.R?r??ding text ?nd m????d ?r??ti?? ?f a ?kill ?r n?w knowledge ?r? by f?r th? ?r?f?rr?d study strategies ?f learners ?f ?ll stripes, but th??’r? ?l?? ?m?ng th? l???t ?r?du?tiv?.You’re n?t going t? learn mu?h ????iv?l?. R????r?h show r?-r??ding m?t?ri?l f?ur tim?? w?? not n??rl? ?? ?ff??tiv? ?? r??ding it ?n?? ?nd writin g a ?umm?r?.Y?u n??d t? struggle. Wh?th?r it’? m?m?rizing information or practicing a ???rt or ?kill, ??u w?nt ??ur ?r??ti?? t? be ?h?ll?nging. D?n C??l?, bestselling author ?f Th? T?l?nt C?d?, ??id: W? l??rn wh?n we’re in ?ur discomfort z?n?. When you’re struggling, that’s when ??u’r? getting ?m?rt?r. Th? m?r? tim? ??u ???nd th?r?, th? f??t?r ??u l??rn. It’s b?tt?r t? spend a very, very high ?u?lit? t?n minut??, ?r even t?n ????nd?, than it i? to ???nd a mediocre hour.Y?u are d?n? making it easy ?n yourself. Y?u’r? w?rking ?t th? ?dg? ?f ??ur ?bilit?. Now wh?t d??? ?v?r?b?d? ?gr?? i? the k?? t? t?king ??ur ?kill? t? the next level?Stud? L???, Test M?r?Y?u g? spend 100 hours r??ding b??k? ?n Mix?d M?rti?l Arts. I’ll ???nd ju?t 50 hours ???rring. Th?n w?’ll fight. Who’s g?ing to win? Ex??tl?.K??? the “Rul? ?f Tw?-Third?” in mind. S??nd only one third ?f your tim? studying. Th? ?th?r tw?-third? ?f ??ur tim? you want to be doing th? ??tivit?. T??ting ??ur??lf. G et your nose out of that book. Av?id th? classroom.Wh?t?v?r it is ??u want to be th? b??t ?t, b? d?ing it.H?r?’? D?n Coyle: Our br?in? ?v?lv?d to learn b? d?ing thing?, n?t b? hearing about th?m. This i? one ?f th? r????n? that, f?r a l?t ?f ?kill?, it’s mu?h better to spend ?b?ut tw? third? of ??ur tim? t??ting ??ur??lf ?n it r?th?r th?n ?b??rbing it. Th?r?’? a rul? ?f tw? thirds. If you w?nt to, ???, m?m?riz? a ?????g?, it’s b?tt?r t? ???nd 30 percent ?f ??ur time r??ding it, ?nd the ?th?r 70 ??r??nt ?f your tim? testing ??ur??lf on that kn?wl?dg?.W? usually study f?r a test. Th?t’? a mistake. You want t? b? t??ting yourself l?ng before the m?in event, b???u?? testing i? ??tu?ll? a type ?f ?tud?ing. In f??t, testing i? ??tu?ll? a better f?rm ?f ?tud?ing th?n studying.Stud?ing a prose passage for fiv? or t?n minut??, then turning th? ??g? over t? r??it? wh?t you ??n without l??king, i?n’t ?nl? practice.It’? a t??t, ?nd G?t?? h?d ?h?wn th?t that self-exam had a ?r?f?un d ?ff??t on fin?l performance.Th?t is to say: T??ting i? studying, of a different ?nd ??w?rful kind.S??i?liz? with ??ur co-workersFiguring ?ut if ??ur ??-w?rk?r? lik? ??u can b? stressful and bring ?b?ut in???uriti?? ?nd, in turn, l?w?r ??nfid?n??.T? ?v?id ????ibl? awkwardness, bring u? light, int?r??ting subjects and g?t a ??nv?r??ti?n g?ing. This ??n b? beneficial f?r ?r?du?tivit? ?nd stress r?l????, Austin P?l??, ??r??r?t? marketing communications manager at w?b design ?g?n?? Blue F?unt?in M?di?, told Bu?in??? News D?il?.Even just g?tting t? kn?w the people ?n ??ur imm?di?t? team ??n improve ??ur m??d and ???i?t in ?ffi?i?nt g??l ??hi?v?m?nt, he ??id.Paley ?ugg??t?d leading the t??m youre w?rking with through t??m-building ?x?r?i??? wh?n ??u h?v? downtime, wh?th?r it is playing a ?????r?tiv? game, going ?ut for food or ju?t d?ing something ??u ?ll l?v?.4. Inv??t in yourself“Think like a qu??n. A queen if n?t afraid to f?il. Failure is ?n?th?r ?t???ing ?t?n? t? gr??tn??? “. O ?r?h Y?u are your greatest ????t in ??ur life, ?? treat yourself lik? it. Pi?k u? some fr??h ?kill? ?nd l??rn ??m?thing n?w.This will not ?nl? in?r???? your ?r?fi?i?n?? on th? job, it will increase ??ur ??nfid?n?? as w?ll.An?th?r w?? to inv??t in yourself? Regular ?x?r?i??.With so m?n? h??lth b???ting benefits f?r b?th b?d? ?nd mind, exercise i? ?n? ?f the ???i??t ways t? respect and v?lu? ??ur??lf.The n?xt tim? ??u find yourself ?u??ti?ning ??ur capabilities or performance level, don’t b? afraid t? thr?w on a ??w?r ?uit and fake it until ??u m?k? it. A??l? f?r th?t ?r?m?ti?n. Ask to b? th? ?r?j??t l??d. Give th?t ?r???nt?ti?n with gu?t?.Find th?t ??nfid?n?? that li?? within, ?nd w?t?h ?th?r? t?k? n?ti??. Wh? knows wh?r? b?li?ving in yourself will take ??u.H?w t? inv??t in yourselfT?lk t? a ??r??r ????hIf you’re ready t? invest in ??ur??lf, t?lking to a life ?r career ????h i? a gr??t ?l??? t? ?t?rt.A ????h i? a ?r?f???i?n?l consultant ?nd ?dv???t? wh? will help ??u achieve your g??l? at w?rk and in life.Whether ??u have ??r??n?l g??l? lik? improved relationships ?nd building ??nfid?n??, ?r ?r?f???i?n?l goals such ?? starting ??ur own bu?in??? ?r m?ving int? a l??d?r?hi? ???iti?n at the ?ffi??, a life ????h will h?l? ??u explore options and m?k? wise choices based on where you w?nt t? be in th? futur?.D? your homework: Because ?r?f???i?n?l ????h?? aren’t r?gul?t?d, virtually ?n??n? wh? h?? r??d a ??lf-h?l? b??k or b??n to a seminar ??n market th?m??lv?? ?? a coach. Look for a coach who is ???r?dit?d by th? Int?rn?ti?n?l C???h F?d?r?ti?n, ?n ?rg?niz?ti?n that ?r?vid?? ind???nd?nt ??rtifi??ti?n f?r th? ?r?f???i?n?l ????hing industry, and don’t b? afraid t? ??k f?r referrals.Y?ur coach will h?ld you ????unt?bl?, ?? in turn, they ?h?uld b? ??m??n? ??u trust t? guide ??u in th? right dir??ti?n.Y?ur coach m?? talk with ??u in ??r??n, b? ?h?n?, ?r ?nlin? ?n a w??kl?, biweekly, ?r m?nthl? b??i?. You ??n ?x???t t? pay ??m?wh?r? b?tw??n $200 ?nd $1,000 ??r m?nth f?r three or f?ur phone ????i?n? l??ting 30 t? 60 minut?? each.While th? ???t? m?? seem limiting, think about wh?t ??u w?uld b? willing t? ??? in ?rd?r t? f??l trul? happy ?nd fulfilled in ??ur career.Th? r?turn ?n inv??tm?nt m?? in?lud? a job ?r?m?ti?n, a jum?-?t?rt to a n?w position, ?r ju?t a g?n?r?l im?r?v?m?nt in th? ?u?lit? of ??ur ?r?f???i?n?l lif?.If you’re f??ling ?tu?k, looking f?r a career ?h?ng?, or ju?t need a littl? ?xtr? m?tiv?ti?n to g?t ?h??d, m??ting with a ??r??r coach ??n certainly be a w?rthwhil? inv??tm?nt.C?ntinu? ??ur ?du??ti?nAlth?ugh ?du??ti?n d???n’t n??????ril? translate directly int? ??ur ????h??k, m?n? jobs will ??? m?r? for ?dv?n??d degrees, ?nd specific tr?ining will open th? d??r t? m?r? lu?r?tiv? careers -in?luding the j?b of your dr??m? ?nd will ultim?t?l? b???t ??nfid?n?? in wh?t ?v?r j?b you are d?ing ?im?l? b???u?? ??u know ??u are ?u?lifi?d.Wh?th?r ??u ?lr??d? h?v? a master’s d?gr?? or ju?t a high ??h??l diploma, investing in your ?du??t i?n will ??? ?ff in the l?ng run ?nd b?tt?r ?r???r? ??u t? ?x??l in th? workplace.To start or ??ntinu? working t?w?rd a b??h?l?r’? degree, look int? online ??ur???, ??mmunit? ??ll?g??, and ?t?t? ??h??l?.Many ?nlin? ?nd ??mmunit? ??ll?g?? offer significantly discounted ??r? courses th?t ??n th?n b? tr?n?f?rr?d t? th? four-year university ?f your choice.Another bonus to ?v?ning ?r ?nlin? ??ur??? is th?t you ??n ??ntinu? t? ??rn in??m? fr?m a full- ?r ??rt-tim? j?b whil? g?ing to ??h??l. Publi? univ?r?iti?? u?u?ll? ?ff?r tuition di???unt? to r??id?nt?, ?? ??m??r? th? ???t? ?f public colleges in your ?t?t? with th??? ?f ?riv?t? universities.If ??u’v? ever applied to college b?f?r?, ??u’v? probably filled ?ut a FAFSA th? Free A??li??ti?n f?r Federal Stud?nt Aid. Pl?n t? fill out this f?rm ?g?in if you’re pursuing a d?gr??. You may b? ?ligibl? for federal grants, such as th? P?ll Grant ?r?gr?m, which offers ?v?r $5,000 a year t?w?rd und?rgr?d tuiti?n f?r th??? wh? are un?m?l???d. And if you need t? t?k? ?ut a l??n t? g?t the right d?gr??, g?v?rnm?nt-i??u?d student l??n? typically have the l?w??t interest rates ?nd ?ff?r flexible r????m?nt ??ti?n?.If ??u already h?v? a full-tim? j?b, ?h??k into ??ur ??m??n?’? ??ntinuing ?du??ti?n ??li?i??. M?n? companies will r?imbur?? you for ?r?dit? ??rn?d toward a d?gr?? in your fi?ld.Other businesses ?ff?r employer-paid training ?r discounts ?n r?l?v?nt courses ?nd conferences. If you b?l?ng t? a ?r?f???i?n?l ?rg?niz?ti?n, find ?ut if the organization offers ?du??ti?n?l di???unt? ?r tuiti?n ???i?t?n??.Finally, ??m? institutes of higher learning offer ?r?dit f?r r??l-lif? or w?rk experience, whi?h ??n b? a hug? money ??v?r if ??u h?v? m?r? ?x??ri?n?? than f?rm?l ?du??ti?n in your indu?tr?.And d???nding ?n the career field you ?h????, ??u m?? n?t need ?n ??tu?l d?gr??. A b??i? ??rtifi??ti?n ??ur?? ??n h?l? ??u g?t ?t?rt?d in ?r?f???i?n? like ???m?t?l?g? ?r ??r??n?l tr?ining. While th??? ??ur??? will n?t r??uir? ?? mu?h ti m? ?r money ?? th??? for college ?r?dit, inv??ting in them n?w will make ??u m?n?? as ??u g?t started in your n?w ??r??r.Find out what ??rtifi??ti?n? ?m?l???r? ?r? l??king f?r, th?n t?il?r ??ur ?du??ti?n?l ?h?i??? t? th? j?b ?r ???iti?n you w?nt to l?nd wh?n ??ur ?du??ti?n i? complete.Att?nd networking ?v?nt?Now th?t ??u’v? ?t?rting pursuing th? g??l? ??u outlined with ??ur lif? coach, managed ??ur money with th? h?l? ?f ??ur fin?n?i?l ?dvi??r, and ??ntinu?d l??rning in your field of ?h?i??, it’? tim? to ??nn??t with ?th?r? at a networking ?v?nt.T? find ?n?, research what events and ?rg?niz?ti?n? ?ttr??t th? l??d?r? ??u want t? m??t. B? ?tt?nding the right ?v?nt?, ??u ??n connect with k?? influ?n??r? ?nd m??t ??r??r?t? ?x??utiv?? wh? m?? ?r?vid? j?b l??d? ?r ?v?n b???m? your bu?in??? m?nt?r?.In ?dditi?n, n?tw?rking events h?l? you to ?t?? ?urr?nt ?n tr?nd?, i??u??, ?nd ??luti?n? in ??ur industry, m?king ??u m?r? v?lu?bl? in the workplace. Y?u’ll b?n?fit fr?m new id??? ?nd g?t m?tiv?t?d by ????k?r?.And ??u’ll have th? ????rtunit? to ?t?rt r?l?ti?n?hi?? th?t l??d to r?f?rr?l? ?nd valuable bu?in??? ??nt??t?.Aft?r ?tt?nding a networking event, d?n’t ju?t throw ?w?? th? ?t??k ?f business ??rd? you collected: M?k? ??nn??ti?n? with those ????l?.It’s smart to do this right ?w??, while the ?v?nt i? fresh in ??ur mind ?nd th?t ?f ??ur new ??nt??t.Show th?m ??ur value by ?ff?ring information, ?nd f?ll?w u? ?n discussions in a friendly, ??nfid?nt manner.At th? l???t, investing in a n?tw?rking ?v?nt may intr?du?? you t? a new id?? ?r a new fri?nd in your line ?f w?rk. At b??t, you m?? meet ??ur future business ??rtn?r ?r find out about th? perfect job f?r ??ur ?kill ??t.And b? g?tting ?ut int? the r??l business world, ??u’ll ???n th? d??r to n?w ????rtuniti?? t? ?r?v? that it w?? w?ll w?rth it to inv??t in ??ur??lf.Sit up ?tr?ightY?ur ???tur? is im??rt?nt f?r m?r? than just ??ur physical h??lth; it can ?l?? affect ??ur confidence, research shows.A???rding t? a study fr?m Th? Ohi? State University, ?itting u? ?tr?ight ??n give you more confidence in ??ur own thoughts.Researchers ?b??rv?d a gr?u? ?f 71 ??ll?g? ?tud?nt?, asking th?m t? complete different t??k? while b?ing dir??t?d t? ?ith?r ?it u? ?tr?ight ?r ?it slouched f?rw?rd.While in th?ir in?tru?t?d poses, th? students were ??k?d t? list either thr?? ???itiv? ?r three negative ??r??n?l tr?it? ?f th?ir?, ?nd t? t?k? a survey in whi?h th?? rated th?m??lv?? ?n h?w w?ll th?? would d? as a futur? ?m?l????.R????r?h?r? r???rt?d that ?tud?nt? wh? sat u?right w?r? more likely t? r?t? th?m??lv?? higher for ???itiv? tr?it? ?nd lower for n?g?tiv? tr?it?, compared with ?tud?nt? wh? w?r? slouching.P???l? assume their ??nfid?n?? i? ??ming fr?m th?ir ?wn th?ught?; th?? dont r??liz? their ???tur? i? ?ff??ting h?w much th?? believe in what theyre thinking, ??id Ri?h?rd P?tt?, a psychology ?r?f????r ?t Ohi? St?t? Univ?r?it? ?nd ??-?uth?r ?f the ?tud?.Everyone experiences ??ri?d? ?f in???urit? and ?nxi? t?, but ?ll?wing it to run ??ur life will ?nl? hurt ??u in the workplace. B? ??nfid?nt in wh? you ?r? ?nd ??ur ?bilit? t? accomplish goals.5. F?k? it till ??u make it“You mu?t b? the ??r??n you have n?v?r had th? courage t? be. Gr?du?ll?, you will di???v?r that ??u ?r? th?t ??r??n, but until ??u ??n see thi? ?l??rl?, ??u mu?t pretend ?nd invent“. P?ul? CoelhoResearch h?? ?h?wn tim? ?nd again that acting th? ??rt in??ir?? g?nuin? ??nfid?n?? in ??ur??lf.And while this m?? n?t b? a ??f? advice f?r a d??t?r t? f?ll?w, b?h?ving ?? th?ugh your ??ll??gu?? ?r ??ur b??? will accept ??u and see ??u ?? th? ????t that ??u are, will m?k? th?m m?r? lik?l? to d? just th?t whil? it in turn boosts ??ur confidence.W??ring ??nfid?n?? (n?t ???kin???) around th? ?ffi?? ?h?w? ??ur colleagues th?t ??u’r? ??mf?rt?bl? with ??ur capabilities t? get th? w?rk done.H?w t? f?k? it till ??u make it:But l?t’? f??? it: there are ?lw??? going t? b? ?itu?ti?n? that make us f??l nervous or not ?uit? ?n our g? m?.H?r? ?r? a f?w w??? t? f?k? that ??nfid?nt f??ling, even wh?n ??u’r? n?t feeling it.Stand up ?tr?ightBody l?ngu?g? h?? a l?t to do with h?w others ??r??iv? ??nfid?n??. Tr? thi?: St?nd u? ?tr?ight, thr?w b??k ??ur ?h?uld?r?, ?nd lift your head.You ??n even put your h?nd? ?n your hi??.F??l a littl? lik? Su??rm?n or Wonder W?m?n? Th?r?’? a r????n w? associate that pose with ?u??rh?r???! It ??z?? ??nfid?n??.Plu?, r????r?h ?h?w? th?t h?lding a “??w?r ????” lik? thi? f?r ?? little ?? tw? minut?? actually increases positive hormones in ??ur body ?nd ?h??i??ll? ?m?? u? ??ur ??nfid?n??.Highlight ??ur competence to f??l ??nfid?ntMany tim??, w? ?r? g??d ?t what we d? but it ??m?? as ????nd nature, ?nd th?r?f?r? w? don’t notice it! A good w?? t? build ??nfid?n?? ?v?r time i? t? keep a l?g of past ?u??????? in ??ur head, ?r on ????r.R?vi?wing a li?t ?f ?u??????? before ???r???hing a n?w t??k ?r ?itu?ti?n can m?k? you feel m?r? ??nfid?nt in g?n?r?l.M?int?in eye ??nt??tW?’v? all been in ?n interview or ?th?r interaction where h?lding ??? ??nt??t felt awkward or unnatural. If ??u ever feel th?t w??, d?n’t necessarily l??k ?w??, this can m?k? you l??k shifty ?r n?rv?u?.In?t??d, tr? w?t?hing th? person’s m?uth, ?r even th?ir nose ?r ?hin.Thi? ??n h?l? project th? ?????r?n?? th?t ??u’r? ?till ???ing ?tt?nti?n ?nd ?ng?g?d, with?ut th? ?wkw?rdn??? ?f direct eye ??nt??t.Of course, remember t? l??k ?w?? when th? ??nv?r??ti?n n?tur?ll? breaks you don’t want to look lik? ??u’r? ?t?ring the person d?wn!Ch???? optimismTh? gl??? i?n’t half full ?r h?lf empty it’s b?th, d???nding ?n ??ur ??int of vi?w. Y?u can choose t? dwell ?n the negative ?r focus on the positive.Wh?n ??u w?nt t? ??m? ??r??? ?? more ??nfid?nt than ??u feel, be ?ur? t? f??u? on the ???itiv? b?f?r? ?nd during th? interaction.Y?u ??n ?v?n ??u?h the ????ibilit? ?f f?ilur? t? ??ur??lf in a ???itiv? light: “Even if I m??? thi? u?, it will have b??n ?n ?m?zing ?x??ri?n??. I’v? l??rn?d so mu?h.”Get physicalWh?n w?’r? f??ling nervous, different ??rt? of ?ur b?di?? ??n t?n?? u?, and th?t tension ??n be f?lt by ?th?r?.Tr? thi?: When ??u’r? f??ling nervous, stand u? ?nd tr? to identify where th? feeling i? in your b?d?. Is it in ??ur stomach? Y?ur legs? Y?ur ?h?uld?r??On?? ??u’v? found it, take a f?w d??? breaths ?nd try t? ??nd th? br??th to th?t ?r?? ?f ??ur b?d?.Then tr? ????king fr?m that ??rt of your b?d?. Y?u’ll likely ??? ?nd feel an immediate diff?r?n??.ProjectIf ??u h?v? a t?nd?n?? t? ?ull b??k ?r mumbl? wh?n you’re n?rv?u?, ?r??ti?? ?r?j??ting your v?i??.Speak ju?t a littl? louder th?n ??u n?rm?ll? w?uld to ??m??n??t?, and ??m? across m?r? confident.D?n’t tr? to t?lk t?? mu?h or direct the conversation.Pay ?tt?nti?n ?nd ??k ?u??ti?n?, ?nd let the ?th?r ??r??n do m??t ?f the talking.U?gr?d? your mannersM?n? people mi?t?k?nl? believe th?t ??nfid?n?? i? about dr?wing attention t? themselves. Quit? the ?????it?: th? m??t confident people ?ft?n dir??t th? conversation t? ?th?r?. When ??u’r? f??ling nervous, tr? ??m?lim?nting th? ?th?r person.Ev?n ??m?thing ?? simple as, “I lik? your ?h???,” ?r “Th?t’? a nice tie,” ??n g? a l?ng w?? t? easing the ??nv?r??ti?n.Likewise, ??? attention if ??u h?v? a ?r???n?it? for m?king rud? ?r m??n j?k?? wh?n ??u’r? n?rv?u?. L?t? ?f ????l? tr? to cover f?r th?ir nervousness with hum?r, but m?king fun of others d???n’t m?k? ??u l??k ??nfid?nt; it m?k?? you a bully.Dr??? th? ??rtWh?n you l??k g??d, ??u f??l g??d, ?? ?ut ?n your b??t ?uit f?r an im??rt?nt ?r???nt?ti?n, w??r ??ur m??t ?x??n?iv? shoes or tie t? ?n int?rvi?w, or ?ut on a ??ir ?f brightl? ??l?r?d socks or b?ld jewellery when ??u want t? f??l m?r? confident.M?k? sure ??u also feel confident ?b?ut all ?????t? ?f ??ur ?????r?n?? fr?m your h?ir, t? th? ?hin? on your shoes, t? the way ??ur br??th ?m?ll?. Don’t let th? littl? thing? thr?w ??u ?ff.SmileC?nfid?nt ????l? t?nd t? come across ?? positive ?nd fri?ndl?.Smil?, even w h?n ??u d?n’t really f??l lik? it. The physical ??t ?f smiling r?l????? br?in ?h?mi??l? th?t will m?k? ??u f??l b?tt?r, ?nd might ?v?n ?u?ll ??m? of ??ur n?rv?u?n???.“N? ?n? r??ll? ??r?? wh?t you l??k like. Im such a hypocrite, I think, and pull m? shirt up over m? h??d. I w?nt it t? b? true so I decide to ??t lik? it is. If a ?r?tt? thin girl ??n be self-conscious about people l??king ?t her in a bathing ?uit, then maybe the problem i?nt what other ????l? think so mu?h ?? what we think ?f ?ur??lv??“. Ed? J. V?r, Lik? Tw? Opposite Thing?

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Essay about Mozart k310 sonata (2nd movement) - 2428 Words

Mozart k310 sonata (2nd movement) Analyzation The 2nd movement of the Mozart k310 Piano Sonata resembles standard sonata form in many ways. It opens with a first theme in F (same as key signature). The theme is four bars long; two bars of antecedant, two bars of consequent. Mozart then starts the first theme again with a 32nd note run pick-up instead of the 16th note arpeggio pick-up in the the begginning of the piece so we are prepared for variation in the second statement of the first theme. He then continues the theme with variation until the consequent phrase which is completely different from the first consequent phrase. This new consequent has not only faster rythmic movement but also compressed harmonic rythym. This tension†¦show more content†¦The I chord confuses the tonal direction becasuse the listener expects the ii to be followed by V and then I. This is even more confusing because the scale that accompanies the I chord implies V (the chord the listener wants to hear). The next bar rounds off this cadential prolongation (ii-V-I) but the exposition does not yet end. The arrival to I does not occur until beat three of the bar. The first two beats create even more prolongation as they nearly modulate. And even after this, the exposition is not done. There is a two bar codetta (a one bar figure played twice, the second time with variation) before the strong V7-I cadence with a C pedal tone. This is the first very strong cadence since the start of the closing material. Since the cadence at the end of the exposition is to C without any hint of F as a tonic, the Developement begins in C. In fact, it is clearly in C as its pick-ups are a C arpeggio and the first bar looks and sounds like I and shows no indication of a ‘Bb’ or any other scale alteration. The opening of the developement is also a textural change but seems to resemble old material in its melody. Both the first theme and the second theme have similar figures to the new material. The developement starts with tonal mov ement in each of the first two measures, I in the first measure and ii6 in the second. In the third bar the harmonic rythym increases with a I64 for the first two beats and a V7 in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corporate Financial Statements Example

Essays on Corporate Financial Statements Essay Corporate Financial ments Corporate financial ments are the formal financial reports that are made in relation to the financial activities of a business entity or a financial firm. All the relevant information in terms of the financial activities that take place in a specified financial period is disclosed in corporate financial statements. Therefore, corporate financial statements give a brief outlook of the short and long term financial profitability and ability of a financial firm or company. Corporate financial statements include income statements, balance sheets, statement of cash flows, and statements of retained earnings (Rich 10). Corporate financial statements act as key tools used in the decision-making process. By simply looking at them, one can easily tell which the best financial decisions to make in terms of productivity and profitability are. Debts can easily make a financial firm go bankrupt. By looking at the debtors and the collection period, it is easy to tell what strategies a financial firm can implement to ensure that the debtors pay up in due time. Statements of cash flows also show where the cash flow of the firm is being generated from and where improvements need to be made. They also show which areas the firm need to concentrate on in order to generate more cash flow in the near future, and in order to remain more profitable. The statements also act as very important decision-making tools for potential investors. They indicate the financial profitability, ability, and condition of a financial firm, and influence greatly a potential investor’s decision to invest. The main objective of corporate financial statements is to be able to provide the relevant information needed by the main users of these statements in order to establish the financial position of the company and the performance of the company. Managers use these statements to be able to continue properly managing the company and making the desired managerial decisions that will ensure the performance of the company is excellent and correct any mistakes that may have been made by the other staff members. The shareholders use these statements the make the necessary assessment on the risk and the return on the investments that they made on the company and therefore make the necessary decisions on whether to retain their shares with the company or withdraw their investment based on their analysis on these investments. Financial institutions such as banks use these statements to determine whether a company is credit worthy and can be given a loan or credit in the event they need financia l aid. This will be based on the asset base of the company or the business entity and the liquidity of the company (Rich 15). In the corporate world, competition has fueled most companies to do very well. Corporate financial statements help financial firms make comparisons with their competitors and ensure that they still maintain their competitive edge. There are set standards in every country that guide the preparation of financial statements and that ensure that they are set out in a specific manner, making comparison very easy. With this, it is very easy to state which company or financial firm is performing better than the other is. This also encourages professionalism in the various companies as the prepared statements are effectively made according to the set standards. Corporate financial statements also show the sales pattern of a company and through them; companies can be able to assess the companys annual sales. Due to this, they are good for future planning (Rich 12- 26). Corporate financial statements unfortunately do not show a continuous analysis of how a financial firm or a company is performing. The statements can only show how a company is performing at one particular time, either at the onset of a financial period or at the close. The statements also base their data depending on a given time, making it very hard to predict market patterns as they are always changing and cannot be based on figures given using corporate financial statements. Corporate financial statements also do not show the changes that occur in structure of a company. Structural changes in a company are very important and affect the performance of a company but it is very difficult to tell from these statements if any structural changes took place in a company or in a financial firm. Structural changes include the addition of a new branch or a new plant, the launching of a new design or product, the preparation or a new acquisition or a merger. These structural changes can make a company more profitable, but are not inclusive in the corporate financial statements. All financial firms and companies also use the financial statements to establish their current financial position and future profitability. Works Cited Rich, Jay S.  Cornerstones of Financial Managerial Accounting. Mason, OH: South- Western/Cengage Learning, 2012 .Page 8-29.

The Way the U.S.A Prepares Free Essays

The government’s role is mostly to hand out the cash for the people of the states to repair and and to prepare.The cash is raised by the senate when needed.State use the cash to prepare by funding shelter,hospitales,and other places to be ready for the disaster they are expecting. We will write a custom essay sample on The Way the U.S.A Prepares or any similar topic only for you Order Now such as when they prepare for a hurricane they would use the money to prepare storm shelters and stock food for after the hurricane. There was also the preparation of people .Such as hurricane michel there were many active members of the u.s military that participated it search and rescue.Other nations prepare in similar was such as funding local place with disaster relief and readiness,but is different in what they prepare for some disasters are not as common here as somewhere else . The government is not alway helpful in these matters since the president has the power to allow or deny request for is not uncommon for a president to deny the request as well.They could change this by giving the support that the state need at the time so they can help the people faster.The federal government is well prepared for the hurricane coming,and florida is preparing as well getting preparations ready. After the hurricane passes relfe services will be put into action such as giving food to those that need it and other necessities.A similar case is puerto rico and how they are still recovering from a disaster they recently went though.they are looking to find housing for those that lost it and giving help to relief efforts,but the country can not handle such a task so it has sought the help of the u.s federal the u.s we have services such as FEMA and the USDA to help citizens when disaster strikes. Not only those but each branch helps in there own way.executive can give the states the money they need,while the judicial branch restores order.lastly the legislative decides the policies on how they go about handling the situation and raises the money for the states.Policies such as the disaster relief bill the senate passed to help the victims of hurricane harvey. How to cite The Way the U.S.A Prepares, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The US legislative system Essay Example Essay Example

The US legislative system Essay Example Paper The US legislative system Essay Introduction The US legislative system is a wonderful source of fabulous cases. It seems that no other state has had so many bizarre lawsuits during the all history of legislative system existence. One of the most known cases of modern times is Stella Liebeck vs. McDonald’s. It’s incredible but a simple woman managed to sue large corporation, win the case while most contemporaries considered her claim to be hopeless. In this essay we will overview the core of the case and how decision on it influenced the US tort law. In February 1992, Mrs. Stella Liebeck bought a cup of coffee at a drive-through window of a McDonald’s in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She was not the driver of the car and the coffee was spilled while the car was parked. That is, Ms. Liebeck’s grandson had pulled the car to the curb so that Liebeck could add cream and sugar to her coffee and the vehicle was stationary before she placed the cup of coffee between her knees and attempted to remove the lid for t he purpose of adding cream and sugar. As she lifted one side of the lid, the coffee spilled onto her lap. Immediately, the coffee was absorbed by her sweatpants. Her clothing forced what was later learned to be â€Å"super-heated coffee† against her skin. ( McDonald’s coffee Ms. Liebeck purchased was served at a temperature of between 180 and 190 degrees Fahrenheit. For home use, coffee is generally brewed at 135 to 140 degrees. If spilled on skin, any beverage heated to between 180 and 190 degrees will cause third-degree burns in two to seven seconds Ms. Liebeck’s injuries were severe. She suffered full thickness burns (third-degree burns) and scalding to her inner thighs, groin and buttocks. A vascular surgeon determined that Liebeck suffered full thickness burns over 6 percent of her body. She was in the hospital for eight days and had to undergo extremely painful procedures to remove layers of dead skin, as well as several skin grafting and debridement treatments (the surgical removal of tissue).Ms. Liebeck’s original intention was to obtain legal help in order to be reimbursed for her medical expenses, which were said to have totaled nearly $20,000. However, McDonald’s refused to pay her medical bills. This led Ms. Liebeck to file a product-liability suit. ( case was considerd as a tort one. Tort law is easy to describe at a general level and hard to define more precisely. Tort comes from a Latin word meaning â€Å"twisted† or â€Å"turned aside,† so a tort is an act that is turned aside from the standard of proper conduct–a wrongful act. If you punch your neighbor in the nose, run over a pedestrian by driving carelessly, or injure a customer by serving burning hot coffee, you have committed a tort. (Some torts involve only economic harm and not physical injury, such as falsely accusing someone of being a crook or using fraud to induce them to enter into a financial transaction.) All of these are wrongful acts for which the victim can receive an award of money damages. Tort law permits private persons to take the lead in implementing its policies. All torts cases are brought by private individuals or businesses, not by the government acting as the prosecutor. (Sometimes the government is a party to tort cases, but then it is in the same position as any other plaintiff or defendant.) The federal and state governments establish court systems to referee disputes, but private parties drive the tort system by their complaints and defenses.Thus, the tort system does not require a sons. Stella Liebeck and McDonald’s, for example, not the Food and Drug Administration or the Consumer Products Safety Commission, drive the debate about how hot is too hot for coffee. Second, tort law is made up of relatively general rules, s uch as a rule that an auto manufacturer has to make a car in such a way that it does not contain a defect rendering it unreasonably dangerous. What that means is fleshed out in the context of individual cases and can be hotly contested, but it does not require the law to specify in advance, in tedious detail, how a car must be built and what safety devices it must containThird, tort law links the deterrence and compensation policies to the objective of fairness by requiring that the compensation to the victim come from the wrongdoer. Once an injury has occurred, it seems right that the wrongdoer should be punished and the victim should be compensated. There is a neat symmetry to the mechanism that accomplishes both objectives at the same time. If the wrongdoer is criminally prosecuted, the victim still bears her loss; if the victim has her bills paid by insurance, her loss is compensated but the wrongdoer gets away without taking responsibility.During the trial process, McDonaldâ₠¬â„¢s produced documents showing more than 700 claims by people burned by its coffee between 1982 and 1992. Some claims involved third-degree burns substantially similar to Liebeck’s. This history documented McDonald’s knowledge about the extent and nature of this hazard. McDonald’s also said during discovery that, based on a consultant’s advice, it held its coffee at between 180 and 190 degrees Fahrenheit to maintain optimum taste. McDonald’s own quality assurance manager testified that a burn hazard exists with any food substance served at 140 degrees or above and that McDonald’s coffee was not fit for consumption because it would burn the mouth and throat.The quality assurance manager further testified that the company actively enforces a requirement that coffee be held in the pot at 185 degrees, plus or minus five degrees. He also testified that while burns would occur, McDonald’s had no intention of reducing the â€Å"holding te mperature† of its coffee. Plaintiff’s expert, a scholar in thermodynamics as applied to human skin burns, testified that liquids at 180 degrees will cause a full thickness burn to human skin in two to seven seconds. Other testimony showed that as the temperature decreases toward 155 degrees, the extent of the burn relative to that temperature decreases exponentially. Thus, if Liebeck’s spill had involved coffee at 155 degrees, the liquid would have cooled and given her time to avoid a serious burn. McDonald’s also argued that consumers know coffee is hot and that its customers want it that way. The company admitted its customers were unaware that they could suffer third-degree burns from the coffee and that a statement on the side of the cup was not a â€Å"warning† but a â€Å"reminder† since the location of the writing would not warn customers of the hazard.A jury awarded Ms. Liebeck $200,000 in compensatory damages. This sum was reduced to $160,000 because, appropriately, she was found to be partially responsible for the incident. More significantly, the jury members saw fit to punish McDonald’s. The jury awarded Ms. Liebeck $2.7 million in punitive damages. This amount represented approximately two days of profit for the restaurant chain. It also represented the single most publicized aspect of this case. The trial court subsequently reduced the punitive award to $480,000—or three times compensatory damages—even though the judge called McDonald’s conduct reckless, callous and willful. Subsequent to remittitur, the parties entered a post-verdict settlement. Post-verdict investigation found that the temperature of coffee at the local Albuquerque McDonald’s had dropped to 158 degrees Fahrenheit. That was a slight description of the case. One can have his own opinion concerning the case but the jury decision can’t be changed. ( press_room/FACTS/frivolous/McdonaldsCoffeecase.aspx)To my mind the jury made right decision basing on the appropriate law. Tort law is desiganted to protect consumer from unprincipled producer. In our case McDonald appeared to be careless as it many times before received claims regarding the temperature of coffee. And as a result of McDonald’s negligence Ms. Liebeck burnt herself with too hot coffee. At the same time there is one point that makes this case bizarre. Everybody who buys coffee at McDonald’s knows that coffee is hot, very hot. This fact might have been the core of McDonald’s defense but it was neglected by the quantity of previous cases and awareness of the company management about such harmful facts.I must admit that the jury, after hearing all the facts and arguments taught McDonald’s and other corporations a lesson: If you recklessly make or sell a dangerous product, you will be held accountable. McDonald’s suffered substantial, but hardly outrageous, financial punishment for its irresponsible practices. Mrs. Liebeck was compensated for her injuries. And folks like me are less likely to get burned. That’s exactly how our legal system is supposed to work. That’s also why the insurance, tobacco, and other major industries want to change it. They think it works too well. The age and consequences of the plaintiff’s burn influenced the decision of the jury first of all. The same would happen if a child had been burnt though the decision may have differed if it were middle-age person. The jury is always more eager to defend unprotected people such as old age, children, diasabled and so on.The jury’s decision helped not only Ms. Liebeck, after trial investigation discovered that McDonald’s reduced temperature of served coffee to 155 degrees; the case also influenced other potentially dangerous conduct: The Wendy’s chain reduced the temperature of its hot chocolate, served mos tly to children. While critics of the tort system say that Liebeck vs MsDonald’s case was harmful to business, they claim that consumer shall be also responsible for the actions that lead to traumatizing. They say if, for example, a person burn himself preparing tea according to the instruction on the tea box, will he have reason to sue the Tea Company? It seems to be insane but it’d be the tea of the company that result burns. The only way to prevent such fabulous cases is developing of detailed instructions or warning for the customers to shift all preparation and consumption responsibility on them.If I were an owner of a small restaurant I would definitely change my serving policies. I would ask my waiters to warn customers that coffee, tea or other beverages are too hot, or I would decrease the temperature of serving beverages. Also I would add notices to the menu, like, caution: tea is very hot or chilly is very spicy. The US legislative system Essay Thank you for reading this Sample!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Sahir Kara Essays

Sahir Kara Essays Sahir Kara Essay Sahir Kara Essay To investigate how the shape and size of an organism affects the rate of temperature loss away from the organism.Background Knowledge:Most of the substances transported in the blood are carried dissolved in plasma. The main constituent of blood plasma is water (90% of blood plasma) (RESOURCE 1), from which heat can be lost by conduction, convection, radiation or evaporation.(RESOURCE 2)The limbs of a mammal or bird can easily be simulated using water-filled test tubes of differing sizes, to represent models of a real life situation. The main method of transferring heat energy in a fluid (e.g.: water) is by convection. As a generalisation, most mammals and birds live in habitats where their body temperature is above that of their surroundings. (RESOURCE 3) Therefore, heat energy is principally lost from the bodies of mammals and birds by convecting and radiating away. Any liquid that is warmer than its surroundings will expand, so its particles occupy a greater volume than before (as they vibrate with the heat energy supplied). This in turn means that there is a decrease in density of the liquid, and the warmer particles move upwards (convection) and away (radiation) from the organism, through the blood vessels and protective skin. (RESOURCE 2)Mammals and birds (which are all warm-blooded organisms) have the ability to regulate their body temperatures, keeping their bodies within a set optimum range. Therefore, any heat energy lost is replaced by expending energy from food taken in, to keep body temperatures constant (37degrees in humans). (RESOURCE 1)Prediction:I predict that the larger the surface area / volume ratio of a model, the greater the rate of heat loss away from the simulation will be. Therefore, the surface area / volume ratio of a model is directly proportional to the rate of heat loss away from the model.Prediction Reasoning:As the surface area / volume ratio of a model increases, more heat energy is, in reality, able to escape away from the test tube at one time. The surface area / volume ratio is effectively the amount of heat energy that is in contact with the external surroundings at one time (surface area) divided by the amount of heat energy that is actually inside the test tube to begin with. The greatest surface area / volume ratio can come about when the surface area is at its greatest, and the volume is at its smallest.Therefore, if a test tube with the highest surface area / volume ratio was used, it would take far less time to lose of temperature than a test tube with the smallest surface area / volume ratio. Therefore, the same amount of temperature would have been lost in a shorter space of time, and the rate of heat loss would be directly proportional to the surface area / volume ratio of model used. (RESOURCE 2)Prediction Graph:Key factors to vary: Variables:INPUTOUTCOMECONTROLLEDPossible:* Surface area / volume ratio of model used. (%)Values:To be confirmed in preliminary work.As the aim of the investigation is to find how the shape and size of an organism affects the rate of heat loss away from it, this is the only input variable that can be chosen.There are, inevitably, different experiments that could be carried out in this area of work. However, I have chosen to investigate this aim, and therefore the above reasoning for choosing this input variable is valid.Possible:* Rate of heat loss away from the model. (temp. / time)As with the input variable chosen, the outcome variable is also set. The rate of heat loss in this experiment can only be carried out by taking continuous measurements of temperature, and dividing by the time in which the change in temperature occurred.Possible:* Temperature of surroundings. (Degrees C)* Temperature of water at the beginning (Degrees C)* Movement and objects touching model.* Thermometer used.All of the above variables shall be controlled. Without these variables being controlled, the experiment would be unfair, and the results inaccurate because a certain variable that should be controlled could be varying affecting the results as they should not be.The temperature of the water at the beginning and end of the experiment must be kept controlled for all readings taken, as should the movement of the test tubes. The temperature of the surroundings must be controlled as well as possible, so that the readings of transfer of heat away from the test tube are as fair as possible.Preliminary work:Certain pieces of preliminary work have to be completed before the actual investigation can begin. This is to check that the things that I plan to do are possible, and to find out what control variables to use (values).For the preliminary work of this investigation, I need to find 6 test tubes that have surface area / volume ratios that are sufficiently well spread. I intend to find all of the different test tubes that are available, and find the surface area and volume of each. I will then work out the surface area / volume ratio of each, an d select 6 different test tubes that have sufficiently well spread surface area / volume ratios. This will help with the fairness of the investigation.To work out the surface area of a test tube, I will first find the diameter of the test tube, and halve it to find the radius. The radius will be squared, and multiplied by Pi(?). From this, I will be able to find the surface area of the top and bottom of the effective cylinder. To find the area of the remainder of the test tube, I will take the original diameter, and multiply it by Pi (?), to find the circumference. The circumference should then be multiplied by the length of the test tube (from the top of the test tube to the middle of the spherical bottom), to find the overall area of the rest of the test tube. (RESOURCE 4 PAGE 115) The actual overall surface area of a test tube is therefore =To work out the volume of a test tube, I will fill the test tube with water, and pour this water into a measuring cylinder of an appropriate capacity, as shown:The surface area / volume ratio of a test tube is therefore found by dividing the surface area by the volume.The second piece of preliminary work that I will complete will be to find an appropriate temperature from which each experiment for the actual investigation should begin. This temperature should be easy to obtain in every test tube (using a kettle or Bunsen burner), and should take an appropriate amount of time to reduce to the end temperature (i.e.: not too long), for test tubes that have even the smallest surface area / volume ratio.Also, I should find suitable intervals for taking results in the actual experiment, by finding how long it takes for the test tube with the largest surface area / volume ratio to lose heat (from 70à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C).Preliminary work RESULTS:Selected?Test tube #Length(cm)Diameter (cm)Volume (cm3)Surface Area (cm2)S.A / Vol. ratio114.82.355115.22.1 (1dp)21223081.72.7 (1dp)312.251.519.561.33.1 (1dp)4151.52174.23.5 (1dp)514.751.251560 .44.0 (1dp)67.2515.324.34.6 (1dp)78.751.510.644.84.2 (1dp)89.751.514.549.53.4 (1dp)9151.832.590.82.8 (1dp)I found that the controlled temperature from which every reading should begin should be 70à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, and that each measurements of temperature should be taken every 15 seconds.Apparatus list:The following apparatus will be required, to be used in the experiment:* Supply of heated water* Six different test tubes of sufficiently varying surface area / volume ratios.* Test tube rack* Stopwatch* ThermometerPlan:Firstly, all apparatus required will be organised and arranged in the area in which the experiment will take place. The six test tubes will be taken one at a time, starting with the test tube numbered 1, and finishing with test tube 6. Test tube 1 will be taken, a thermometer placed in it, and filled with boiling water taken directly from a kettle. The test tube will be placed in a test tube rack, and the stopwatch switched on when the temperature of the water reduces to 70à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C. Continuous measurements of temperature of the water will be taken every 15 seconds, until 150 seconds (10 measurements) have been completed. The test tube will be thoroughly cleaned and dried, and the procedure repeated twice more for test tube 1. The entire experiment will be repeated for test tubes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, taking 3 results for each different test tube.Resources Used:RESOURCE 1:Text Book: Coordinated Science Biology by Jones ; JonesRESOURCE 2:Text Book: Physics Study Guide by Palfreyman ; MaunderRESOURCE 3:Information sheet: Temperature regulation in mammals and birdsRESOURCE 4:Text Book: Higher GCSE Mathematics by D.RaynerResults:Below shows the averages taken for temperature of the test tubes at the given time intervals:FOR RAW DATA TAKEN FROM THE EXPERIMENT, please see attached sheet 1.Graphical Results:Firstly, time (secs.) was plotted against temperature (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C), in order to get a basic graphical result of the temperature of each test tube a t every time interval. Then, in order to find how the shape and size (SA / Volume ratio) of a test tube affects the rate of temperature loss away from the test tube, a second graph was plotted (showing SA / Volume ratio against rate of heat loss). The rate of heat loss away from the model was found by drawing a tangent to the midpoint (75 seconds) of each line on the first graph. Then, the rate was calculated by dividing the change in temperature by the time taken for the change.FOR BOTH OF THE GRAPHS DRAWN, please see attached sheet 2.Conclusion:From the results shown above, and the graphs, I conclude that the initial prediction, that the larger the surface area / volume ratio of a model, the greater the rate of heat loss away from the simulation will be is correct. The predicted graphs are very similar to those produced from the actual experiment, and this shows that the prediction was very precise. From the graphs, it is clear that as the surface area / volume ratio of a model in creases, so too does the average rate of heat loss away from the model (the amount of heat that can be lost every second). This is because the graph produced was linear, proving that:Surface area / volume ratio average rate of heat lossThe graph is almost certainly a straight line, because there is no indication that it may be a curve of any form. Although this may be true for the range of surface area / volume ratios used, there is no evidence to suggest that the direct proportionality between the input and output variables will continue forever. One would think logically, that there must be a limit to the amount of heat that can be lost from a model / a real mammal or bird at one given time. Therefore, the rate of heat loss away from the test tube must come to a maximum at one point. This would suggest that however large the surface area, and however small the volume of any model or organism, the amount of heat that can be lost at any given time (the rate) has a limit.Evaluation:O verall, I believe that the results obtained were fairly inaccurate in the experiment conducted. This is because the problems brought about in such an experiment that would have led to inaccuracies of results were found to be vast:* Firstly, the temperature of the water measured at each point was relatively inaccurate. This was due to the fact that the temperature recorded was limited by the accuracy of the thermometer used (accurate to 1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C on the scale), and by the accuracy of the person conducting the experiment (in this case, myself). Furthermore, the temperature of the water in each test tube was not constant throughout, and any movement of the thermometer (or the whole test tube) would have shown an inaccurate measurement on the thermometer. Also, the accuracy of the recordings obtained was hindered by the fact that the thermometers were not digital, but were analogue, and prone to inaccuracies.* Furthermore, each test tube was held upright in a test tube rack. This w as in order to measure the temperature of the water at the specified time intervals, but would have caused inaccuracies with the amount of the test tube in contact with another object (affecting the heat loss away from the test tube). This was consistent throughout the experiment, however, except when larger test tube racks were used to support the bigger test tubes that could not fit into the same rack as the other test tubes.* Also, a thermometer was submerged in each test tube, to measure the temperature of the water. This may have brought about minor inaccuracies in the results, as the presence of the thermometer displaced water that would have been in the test tube without the thermometer being present. Again, this was consistent throughout the experiment, so it would not have affected the reliability of the experiment (if it were to be repeated).Furthermore, the procedure had a few problematic areas, mainly concerning the controlled variables:* The temperature of the situation was not kept constant throughout the experiment, and could not feasibly be kept constant. The temperature of the heated laboratory is unlikely to have changed drastically enough to affect the results on ONE occasion, but the experiment took approximately 2 hours to complete over 3 different sittings. Therefore, it may be possible that the temperature of the laboratory was different on these occasions, and the results would have been affected.* The thermometer used was again, different on each of these three sittings, and this fact may have affected the results, but to what extent is difficult to define. The type of thermometer used was the same on each occasion, but the actual one was different.* The movement of the thermometer / test tube proved also to be difficult to control. With 26 other people trying to conduct their experiments at the same time, movement of the bench would have inevitably occurred. However, it is unlikely that such movement would have affected the results d rastically.The line of best fit found on the second graph produced, indicates that some results were not as expected. This can be investigated by calculating the percentage discrepancy of the points that were not on the line of best fit, as follows:% Discrepancy = [(value plotted value on line) / value on line] x 100The percentage discrepancy of each point was found, from the line of best fit:Point(SA / VOLUME ratio)% Discrepancy from line of best fit1) 2.1= [(0.063 0.061)/0.061] x 100 = 3.8%2) 2.7= [(0.084 0.077)/0.077] x 100 = 9.1%3) 3.1= [(0.079 0.088)/0.088] x 100 = 10.2%4) 3.5= [(0.093 0.098)/0.098] x 100 = 5.1%5) 4.0= [(0.1 0.111)/0.111] x 100 = 10.0%6) 4.6= [(0.14 0.137)/0.137] x 100 = 2.2%This indicates that all of the results are within 10.2% agreement with the line of best fit, suggesting that the data obtained is relatively inaccurate. The discrepancies, as stated previously, could have come from the inaccuracies of human error, the inaccuracies of the thermometer, or the inaccuracies of the controlled variables problems.Although the readings have been found to be relatively inaccurate, I believe that the evidence collected was quite reliable. Obtaining 3 results for each SA / volume ratio of test tube made it possible to identify anomalous results, of which there seem to be 4 (highlighted grey on the above table). These anomalous results can be attributed to human error, movement of the test tube, and inaccuracies of the thermometers used. These anomalous results were averages of each of the 3 readings for every test tube, and were plotted on the first graph. The fact that the rates plotted on the second graph were up to 10.2% away from the line of best fit indicates that these anomalies may have contributed to the inaccuracies.Therefore, I believe that although inaccuracies found were vast, the evidence obtained is reliable enough to support a firm conclusion. This is because even though the results were inaccurate, the inaccuracies were co nsistent throughout, meaning that the overall outcome of the experiment was correct (although the actual readings may not have been).In order to improve the accuracy of the evidence further, the following changes could be made to the overall experiment:* Electronic temperature sensors, and precise data logging could have been used to measure the exact temperature at the given time intervals.* Electronic measuring devices could also have been used to measure the exact rate of heat loss away from the model in each case. This is instead of drawing a tangent to each line on the first graph (to find the rate), which is a relatively inaccurate method.* The experiment could have been completed in an isolated area (where the movements of others would not have affected the results).To extend the experiment with new lines of enquiry, I could investigate how the volume of used water in one test tube affects the heat loss away from the model. Furthermore, I could experiment with real organisms, to investigate how heat loss away from their bodies is affected by different factors (such as external temperature etc.).

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Learn More About Conjugations for the Italian Verb Sposarsi

Learn More About Conjugations for the Italian Verb Sposarsi sposarsi: to get married; go well together; match Regular  first-conjugation Italian verbReciprocal verb  (requires a  reflexive pronoun) INDICATIVE/INDICATIVO Presente io mi sposo tu ti sposi lui, lei, Lei si sposa noi ci sposiamo voi vi sposate loro, Loro si sposano Imperfetto io mi sposavo tu ti sposavi lui, lei, Lei si sposava noi ci sposavamo voi vi sposavate loro, Loro si sposavano Passato remoto io mi sposai tu ti sposasti lui, lei, Lei si spos noi ci sposammo voi vi sposaste loro, Loro si sposarono Futuro semplice io mi sposer tu ti sposerai lui, lei, Lei si sposer noi ci sposeremo voi vi sposerete loro, Loro si sposeranno Passato prossimo io mi sono sposato/a tu ti sei sposato/a lui, lei, Lei si sposato/a noi ci siamo sposati/e voi vi siete sposati/e loro, Loro si sono sposati/e Trapassato prossimo io mi ero sposato/a tu ti eri sposato/a lui, lei, Lei si era sposato/a noi ci eravamo sposati/e voi vi eravate sposati/e loro, Loro si erano sposati/e Trapassato remoto io mi fui sposato/a tu ti fosti sposato/a lui, lei, Lei si fu sposato/a noi ci fummo sposati/e voi vi foste sposati/e loro, Loro si furono sposati/e Future anteriore io mi sar sposato/a tu ti sarai sposato/a lui, lei, Lei si sar sposato/a noi ci saremo sposati/e voi vi sarete sposati/e loro, Loro si saranno sposati/e SUBJUNCTIVE/CONGIUNTIVO Presente io mi sposi tu ti sposi lui, lei, Lei si sposi noi ci sposiamo voi vi sposiate loro, Loro si sposino Imperfetto io mi sposassi tu ti sposassi lui, lei, Lei si sposasse noi ci sposassimo voi vi sposaste loro, Loro si sposassero Passato io mi sia sposato/a tu ti sia sposato/a lui, lei, Lei si sia sposato/a noi ci siamo sposati/e voi vi siate sposati/e loro, Loro si siano sposati/e Trapassato io mi fossi sposato/a tu ti fossi sposato/a lui, lei, Lei si fosse sposato/a noi ci fossimo sposati/e voi vi foste sposati/e loro, Loro si fossero sposati/e CONDITIONAL/CONDIZIONALE Presente io mi sposerei tu ti sposeresti lui, lei, Lei si sposerebbe noi ci sposeremmo voi vi sposereste loro, Loro si sposerebbero Passato io mi sarei sposato/a tu ti saresti sposato/a lui, lei, Lei si sarebbe sposato/a noi ci saremmo sposati/e voi vi sareste sposati/e loro, Loro si sarebbero sposati/e IMPERATIVE/IMPERATIVO Presente - ​ sposatisi sposisposiamocisposatevisi sposino INFINITIVE/INFINITO Presente: sposarsi Passato: essersi sposato PARTICIPLE/PARTICIPIO Presente: sposantesi Passato: sposatosi GERUND/GERUNDIO Presente: sposandosi Passato: essendosi sposato 1001 Italian Verbs:  A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  | H |  I  | JK |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  | W | X | Y |  Z

Friday, February 14, 2020

Behavioural Finance final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Behavioural Finance final - Essay Example Different ways of reforms of financial crisis have been developed. Therefore, role of public policy will be discussed through some relevant economic theories developed by the eminent economists. These are Modern Momentary Theory, Moslers’s Law and Reverse Recardian Equivalence. These theories will be applied to identify the best possible ways in light of public sector to address financial crisis. Recommendations from these theories will be analysed in the light of endogenous money theory. Relation of economic crisis with public sector Economic crisis is worst case scenario of an economy which has subsequent effect on the world economy. Worldwide globalization has linked up the economies of all the countries with open economy. Different financial activities of people across the world have substantial or major contribution in economic crisis. Financial institutions especially banks are the major participants in economic crisis which represents financial stability of an economy t hrough the participation of public in various financial instruments. There are many different types of root causes behind the recessions or financial crisis took place mainly in the developed countries in USA and United Kingdom and spread in the world economy. ... General tendency of people is to invest their savings into some sectors that shows future potential and growth to provide more than expected return and i.e. much higher government bond return. But, future growth of a private sector in terms of growth in revenue is depends on the increase in income level as well purchasing power of public in the economy. Therefore, if both are not in a equilibrium position in future, a dramatic bubble occurs in the expected potential sectors and major decline in revenue starts which affect both the equity return as well businesses not able to pay the major creditors like banks (Callan, Nolan & Walsh, 2010, p.15). Effective theories of public policy There are numbers of economic theories developed by the eminent economists who have provided recommendation through their theories. These recommendations are highly related with the financial activities of public sector to address economic crisis. Following three economic theories are most relevant with the ways of reforming financial crisis. Modern Monetary Theory It is a descriptive economic theory that deals with consequences and procedures of using monetary tokens issued by government and it is acts as a unit of money i.e. fiat money. This theory can be applied to analyse modern economies where it acts as national currency of an economy which is issued and regulated by the government. According to this theory of economics, money enters into the market for circulation through the government spending. Taxation is employed in the economy to value the fiat money as currency. It controls the demand and supply of money in the market. Modern Monetary theory maintains a standard equilibrium level of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Information communication Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Information communication Technology - Essay Example Precisely, flying to Barcelona is the cheapest of the four destinations. The costs of airport transfers also vary from destination to destination and are cheaper in Europe than in the US. For this case, it requires  £ 34.17 in Miami, Florida,  £ 40.30 in New York,  £ 25.13 in Barcelona and  £ 33.67 in Rome. Considering that the elder members of the family can both drive, there is a need that they hire a car upon their arrival in their destinations. For this case, it will cost the family  £ 250.17 to hire a car for the entire period of stay in Miami, about 250.24 in New York, 339.62 and 268.94. The most expensive element of the trip will be the expenditure on the hotel because of the ten-day stay will cost about  £ 2612.85 in Miami, Florida. The same services cost 2224.97 in New York City,  £ 1885.15 in Barcelona and  £ 10 193 in Rome, Italy. The cheapest rates of travel insurance for British Airline are an assumed flat rate of  £ 28.24 for a period of 31 days. The presented values represent the cheapest rates of travel for the first-class coaches and five-star hotels. However, the prices do not include entry charges for venues that the family may wish to tour. It is therefore comparatively cheaper to tour Barcelona from London the remaining places. For this case, the total for all the expenses up to the return journey are  £3786.99 for Barcelona against higher charges for the rest of the preferred destinations. The most expensive place to visit is Rome, for which case the family will pay  £11176.90. The quoted figures are all combined for the entire family based on the age category. The figures also represent the lowest in the market, for which the family has the choice of choosing otherwise. If they chose otherwise, the costs would rise depending on the airline that they will use. In the spreadsheet, the entered figures and their summation occur for each column enabling a comparative analysis of the costs of the travel. As it emerges from the

Friday, January 24, 2020

Symbolism in The Glass Menagerie :: Glass Menagerie essays

Symbolism in The Glass Menagerie      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Glass Menagerie uses an extensive pattern of symbolism that describes the characters of Tom,Amanda,Laura and Jim. Glass,light,color and music constitute the substance of the dominant symbols and motifs,serving to reveal deeper aspects of characters and underlying themes of the play.Tennessee Williams wrote the play so that each character had a special symbol which resembled their personality.But he didn't only give the characters of the play a a resembling symbol;he also mentions the apartment blocks to be hivelike conglomerations of cellular living-units resembling a beenstock.The way he describes their location also has a lot of symbolism in its roots because he describes them to be flowering   as warty growths in overcrowded urban centers.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tennessee Williams used many symbolic aspects to describe Laura and the world she lives in.In the play,Laura represents the very fragile,shy and emotionally crippled girl.In her mind she lives in a world of glass animals and doesn't have a connection to the real world.The managerie of glass also represents the fragile relationships among all the characters.The glass unicorn is most obviously a symbol of Laura-- delicate,sadly different,an anomaly in the modern world.The glass motif recurs throughout the whole play in many other forms.When Laura dropped out of college she constantly visited the zoo,a glass house of tropical flowers that are as vulnerable as she is.During Laura's and Jim's brief romantic encounter,Laura is gaining more confidence about herself.It seems as if she is starting to escape her world of illusions.When they started dancing together,Jim accidently knocked the little glass horse over. Laura,who usually worships her glass collection more than anything else,replied to his excuse;"He's lost his horn.It doesn't matter.Maybe it's a blessing in disguise." and   "I'll just imagine he had an operation.The horn was removed to make him feel less--freakish!Now he will feel more at home with the other horses,the ones who don't have horns....".These two quotes give an impression that Laura is finally escaping her illusive world.She thinks that she might have a chance to survive the real world.What she doesn't know is that she is about to be wounded by the news of Jim's engagement.After Jim tells her the news,she gives him the unicorn as a souvenir and retreats into her land of the glass menagerie never to come out again.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   In the play,Tom is the adventure seeking man trying to escape the prison Amanda is keeping him trapped in.To escape the real world,Tom constantly goes to the movies.The movies make him think about all the adventures he missing.It his little land of dreams.He is jealous of his father who left his family and achieved what Tom always wanted,

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Organization Structure: What is functional departmentalization? Essay

Introduction What is organizing? Organizing means arranging the activities in such a way that they systematically contribute to enterprise goals. An organization consists of people whose specialized tasks are coordinated to contribute to the organization’s goals. The usual way of depicting an organization is with an organization chart. It shows the structure of the organization; specifically, the title of each manager’s position and, by means of connecting lines, who is accountable to whom and who is in charge of what area. The organization chart also shows the chain of command (sometimes called the scalar chain or the line of authority) between the top of the organization and the lowest positions in the chart. The chain of command represents the path a directive should take in traveling from the president to employees at the bottom of the organization chart or from employees at the bottom to the top of the organization chart (Dessler, p. 120). At Phoenix Logistics, our organization chart is a creation of functional departmentalization. Functional departmentalization means grouping activities around basic functions like manufacturing, sales, and finance (Dessler, p. 122). At our company, each department is organized around a different business functions: sales/marketing, product development, and technical support. In addition, we have a group of supervisors within each department. These supervisors’ functions include planning, control, and administration. At each of the Department Heads, we also have a staff that works in each department, with an Office Supervisor. The basic idea of Phoenix Logistics’ functional departmentalization is to group activities around the core functions our company must carry out. Hence, our core functions are to create, integrate and deliver business-critical transaction management systems and services that enable the energy industry to enhance reliability and profitability in the competitive market place. Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages Organizing departments around functions has several advantages: 1. It is simple, straightforward, and logical; it makes sense to build departments around the basic functions in which the enterprise must engage. 2. Functional organizations usually have single departments for areas like sales, production, and finance that serve all the company’s products, rather than duplicate facilities for each product. Because the volume in these departments is relatively high, the firm typically gets increased returns to scale–in other words, employees become more proficient from doing the same job over and over again, and the company can afford larger plants and more efficient equipment. Functional organizations are therefore often associated with efficiency. 3. The managers’ duties in each of the functional departments tend to be more specialized (a manager may specialize in finance or production, for instance); the enterprise therefore needs fewer general managers–those with the breadth of experience to administer several functions at once. This can simplify both recruiting and training. 4. Functional department managers also tend to receive information on only part of the big picture of the company–on that which concerns their own specialized functions. This can make it easier for top management to exercise control over the department managers’ activities. Disadvantages Functional organizations also have disadvantages: 1. Responsibility for the enterprise’s overall performance rests on the shoulders of one person, usually the president. He or she may be the only one in a position to coordinate the work of the functional departments, each of which is only one element in producing and supplying the company’s  product or service. This may not be a serious problem when the firm is small or does not work with a lot of products. But as size and diversity of products increase, the job of coordinating, say, production, sales, and finance for many different products may prove too great for one person; the enterprise could lose its responsiveness. 2. Also, the tendency for functional departments to result in specialized managers (finance experts, production experts, and so forth) makes it more difficult to develop managers with the breadth of experience required for general management jobs like president. Implications Qualities of Leadership – Leading your company in a tough economy are a difficult, but not impossible task. Your can help your company weather changing times and come out a winner. As far as a tough economy is concerned the United States has experienced one as recently as September 11, 2001, and although conditions has improved since then, you can bet that tough times will periodically occur in the future. Yet, during all such periods of stagnant growth and lackluster corporate performances, many companies have not only survived, but also prospered. How have they  done it? Change, of course has always been present, but certain economic trends used to be predictable within reasonable limits. Employments would grow at such a pace, interest rates would do this or that, and Gross Domestic Products would reach such and such a level. But today all bets are off. We can scarcely predict with confidence what will happen next week, let alone next year. As H.G Wells said it in a different context, â€Å"the pattern pf things to come fade away.† Becoming an Optimist, optimist managers are better at problem solving during difficult times than pessimistic managers. Optimistic managers are more likely to handle reversals by drawing on past experience, finding good  things about the turn of events and fighting for what they want. Pessimists often accept their fate or bad luck or seek sympathy in understanding. Optimistic managers are therefore more that likely to overcome difficulties and turn problems into opportunities for advancement. To improve the company’s performance, employees need commitment, competence, and communications, the three C’s of success. Commitment is determined spirit of an Olympic swimmer who practices alone for hundreds of pre-dawn hours. Competence is the inner confidence of a well trained pilot who uses all his knowledge, training, equipment, and intuition to make quick decisions. Communications is the critical personal contact and consensus between the CEO and employee that make performance at work flow smoothly. Resources Allocation We generate revenue from three sources: software licenses, software maintenance and implementation revenues. The proportion of what each makes up of our total revenue varies based on the market and our customer base. When a customer decides to purchase our solution they are charged a licensing fee. This fee could vary depending on how many users they estimate using our system, if they need more users we would then charge the customer for more licenses. In order to receive upgrades and enable the customer to use our support desk when there is an issue, we charge a support fee. This fee could be a yearly, quarterly or monthly allocation depending on how the customer would like to be charged. Any software whether it is out of the box or custom produced, there is an implementation process that would need to be done in order to ensure that the software is working properly. This could consist of on-site training, training materials and the use of our support desk. The revenues for our company are generated by these services. These services need to be the best in class in order for our company to make a profit. When  we say best in class that means that they are better than any of our competitors and will give our customers a competitive advantage. Conclusion Phoenix Logistics’ has the expertise and the means for producing the best software in the energy industry. We work with our customers in order to plan, build and implement our software into their business with the least amount of interruption to their employees and their productivity. The return on their investment is in the ease of processing their transactions, turnaround time of those transactions and a time savings in the administrative processing. Our customers will be able to focus their attention on the selling, trading and the delivery of energy to their customers, this is their business and where their profits are generated. Phoenix Logistics is in the business of helping our customers make a profit and to make their customers happy. Works Cited Dessler, Gary. Management, Leading People and Organizations in the 21st Century (2nd ed.), 2001. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.